The Age Of Data: 4 Ways To Use Analytics To Make Better Marketing Decisions

Most businesses collect a lot of data — you can track everything from email and social media engagement to website and video metrics. However, that does not mean that all that data is being put to good use. It doesn’t make sense to track the data if you’re not going to look at it. Here are four ways you can use your business data to make better marketing decisions.

Website Data: Look at Customer Demographics


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Businesses love to see traffic spikes on their websites. There is all sorts of data you can track associated with traffic patterns, such as time of day when customers visit your site, which countries or regions offer the most visitors, and other demographics associated with your visitors. However, none of this data matters unless you use it to better understand your customers. Look for customer demographic trends and then create promotions to better target the people who visit your site.

Social Data: Look at Customer Interests

Website data is definitely important, but social data can help you learn even more about your customers’ interests. For instance, if you want to write a new blog post, you can check out your social data to see if your customers would be interested in the topic you chose. This will help you stay relevant in your content marketing efforts. Plus, social media gives you a more personal platform in which to engage your customers so you can tailor your engagement to their interests. The more you engage your audience, the stronger your platform becomes.

Video Data: Look at Customer Engagement

Businesses often use videos to provide information to their customers. This is because most people would rather watch an engaging video than read long text. When tracking whether a marketing video provides a good return on investment, you need to look at the trends within the trends. For instance, if you notice that customers are not playing your videos through in their entirety, there was a point where they lost interest. You can identify when that was and start to understand what your customers are thinking. This allows you to adapt videos in the future to better fit their needs.

Email Data: Look at Customer Behavior

Email marketing is typically about retaining relationships with your customers. Therefore, you need to do more than simply track the number of subscribers you lose. You need to look closer at the reasons why it is happening. For instance, if you lost a large number of subscribers after sending out an email blast, you can’t simply assume that it was because your email was too promotional. Instead, you need to look at the other trends associated with your email subscriber lists. You may have lost a lot of subscribers because your timing was simply off.

Unfortunately, there is no standard equation to help you use your analytics better. You will need to come up with a solution that is customized to your business. The ideas in this article will help you get started so that you can make better marketing decisions based on your data.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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