5 Proven Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

Ensuring productivity is one of the most important tasks of running a startup or a small business. The effectiveness of a new company is usually measured by how productive it is in addition to how good the company’s products are. Responsible managers and owners pay particular attention to how productive the company is. In fact, it’s highly recommended for businesses to occasionally do efficiency and productivity reviews. So that companies know theimportance of this aspect, how exactly can managers achieve it? There are simple steps businesses can take to ensure that output more than matches the money and resources spent. For example, making sure that employees are not constantly interrupted during work hours is an easy enough way to ensure productivity. It doesn’t cost a fortune to build a highly productive and efficient company. Here are several tried and proven hacks any small business or startup and try out:

1. Use the Right Kind of Tech Tools

Right Tech Tools

The modern workplace has made major strides in productivity thanks to technology, mainly tech that enables automation. Surprisingly enough, it doesn’t cost much to invest in automation tech that increases company productivity levels. For example, marketing teams can use a tool like Buffer, which is free, to automate social media posts. Graphics departments can use a program like OpenToonz to fast track animation projects. Managers can especially benefit from software that enables better product management. Asana, for example, vastly improves overall workplace productivity by making it easy for employees to assign each other tasks and deadlines. Skype, famously, makes workplace communication easier and also quieter. You can read more here on Project Management Software and Tools. There are so many low-cost apps and software programs companies can use to boost productivity levels by eliminating time waste and improving communication. So, don’t overlook investing such tools and be willing to spend money to get returns in higher efficiency levels.

2. Prioritize the Least Desirable Tasks

Task Priority

Employees can, and definitely do, procrastinate. The main reason people procrastinate is because they view a task as unachievable or impossible to do in a short period of time. If an employee is stuck with an annoying task he or she refuses to do, then the rest of the remaining tasks will suffer as well. Therefore, instruct employees not to leave undesirable tasks to the last minute. Instead of worrying about those tasks all day, tell them to handle annoying tasks the first thing in the morning. When unwanted jobs are out of the way, employees will be able to concentrate better on all the other tasks. This is a neat trick that highly efficient entrepreneurs use. This easy hack can benefit everyone in personal lives as well. Instruct employees to just get it done with and move on. Practice this motto at the workplace and the improved productivity levels will be demonstrable.

3. Allow Employees Breaks

Allow employees break

The idea that employees who do the most work are the ones who sit at their desks the longest time is archaic at best. Research has strongly indicated that employees perform better when they are allowed to take a break. Use common sense here. Can anyone work nonstop for four or five hours without being distracted? Definitely not. Employees may sit at their desk for hours, but might not be concentrating on the tasks at hand. Therefore, companies that aim for high levels of productivity should allow employees short breaks once or twice a day. The breaks will help employees stretch their legs and relax, so when they return to the desk, they are mentally prepared to handle demanding workloads. Some companies are even allowing employees to take nap breaks. It’s worthwhile if employees work for longer than 8 hours at the office.

4. Install Multi-Screen Workstations

multi screen workstation

Bill Gates once famously blogged that he has three computer screens on his work desk. One screen is for his regular desktop, the other shows incoming emails, and the third screen is used for replying to emails. This is the system the world’s richest man uses to answer over 100 emails per day. Multitasking the right way is key to increased productivity. Employees who do have to do multiple things at once can immensely benefit from a multi-screen workstation. Like Bill Gates, customer service representatives often have to answer hundreds of emails per day. A multi-screen system, like the one invented by Mr. Gates, will do wonders for customer service departments. Even sales teams, public relations departments, and managers can also put multi-screen workstations to use to improve individual and overall productivity levels. If the small business cannot afford many monitors, isolate the employees who will benefit most and then invest in the hardware.

5. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Sleep

importance of sleep

Humans need at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Science has shown that lack of sleep not only makes people more irritable and less focused, it can even lead to scary diseases like Alzheimer’s in the future. If employees are boasting that they get only 4 hours of sleep at night, make them stop. Sleep-deprived employees are proven to be unproductive and inefficient. Employees who are tired in the mornings due to lack of sleep will find it difficult to concentrate on important tasks. They will also find it difficult to cooperate and play well with others during the day. Some might even fall into so-called microsleep modes in the middle of the work. In a nutshell, sleep deprivation will kill the productivity levels at work. Therefore, encourage employees to get enough sleep at night. Managers and owners should definitely follow by example.

Implementing the above tactics will not cost much money or time. Workplaces will be able to visibly experience intended results after implementing the above productivity hacks. It’s better late than never to invest in productivity. So start trying out one or two of the above now.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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