Archives for August 2018

Agnosticism: Divine Diplomacy

In a constant battle between the ones who worship God and ones who don’t, there is another group of people who sit back and watch the other two fight to choose between a rock and a hard place- the rock being the community of believers and the hard place being the community of non-believers. While […]

How Your Office Building Could be Jeopardizing Your Business

Having offices is a sign of success, right? Well, they should be! That means that there are people on your team who regularly come in during the day (or night) to build it into something bigger and better! However, an office space can also be a stumbling block for your growth. The Price Have you […]

How to Prevent Marketing Emails from Getting Flagged as Spam

Does your business have a budding email campaign or a newsletter? If so, your brand’s efforts will eventually encounter spam warnings. All inboxes these days have some form of protection against spam. Marketing emails are highly likely to end up clashing against spam barriers and never reach the intended audience. This article will explain how […]

How Automation Can Improve Profitability

Running a successful business is all about finding an edge over your competitors; being able to provide a service no-one else can match and attracting your ideal client base. There are multiple factors involved in this simple premise, however, which is what makes being an entrepreneur such a complex and exciting experience. A great deal […]

Manufacturing, Data Analytics & Improved Production

Manufacturing is one of the most important industries to the United States and global economies. About $2.25 trillion was added to the U.S. economy in 2016 thanks to manufacturers; and that number continues to grow. With so much capital flowing through the manufacturing world, it makes sense that companies want to do whatever it takes […]