Archives for August 2018

Awesome Ways to Promote Your Company Values and Brand Message

As transparency becomes more and more vital in business, consumers often prefer businesses with values that align with their own beliefs and causes. Thus, the question that begs to be asked is: how can your business promote its values? Advocating for and supporting charitable organizations is one way, of course. A recent study shows that […]

6 Areas That You Should Be Aware of Getting Hacked

Just two years ago, hackers breached roughly 50% of the 28 million small businesses across the U.S. No business is small enough to be immune to the growing threat of cyber attacks and the negative impacts such breaches can have on operations. Having said that, what online information or accounts are small business owners most […]

5 Awesome Reasons to Have a Website For Your Small Business

The notion that nearly 50% of small business owners still don’t use social media because they don’t feel it’s important for their business has caused quite a stir. Furthermore, this conversation has slowly morphed into the debate of whether small businesses should even have a website or Internet presence at all. Wild, right? Even though […]

How to Get Money for a New Business

Starting a new business can be stressful, exciting, and frustrating all at the same time. One of the first steps into starting a new business is finding a funding source. You don’t need millions of dollars to start a new venture and bootstrapping is often the smart way to go. However, even the simplest businesses […]

Why You Should Consider Turning Your Real Estate Investment Business Into an LLC

When you own real estate properties, you are well aware that you are prone to issues of management, liability, and risk. Something can face your investments out of blues, and you will be solely responsible for any loss or long court battles that may prove expensive and time-consuming. However, you can eliminate and shield yourself […]