Top Business Trends for entrepreneurs to follow in Q4 of 2019

Q4 was officially started yesterday, and there are enormous opportunities for every entrepreneur to invest and focus. Today we will cover the top three trends that you should follow to have a successful fourth quarter of 2019.

Trend #1 – More data control from consumers

Do you know that EU General Data Privacy Regulation went into effect from June and everything changed in Europe? Now consumers can have massive control over the data companies are trying to get from each person. As of now, you should not get data from third-party companies without the consumer’s consent. If you decide to buy data from third companies, then be sure that it will be a massive problem in the EU. Consumers can sue you and your company and EU institutions will take legal actions. So, in quarter four, be careful with the data of consumers. Don’t buy any data from third-party companies. Also, Deloitte’s latest reports say that those type companies sell inaccurate data.

Trend #2 – Subscription services will continue to grow

We have a new system that evolved in 2019. Subscription-based operations will continue to skyrocket and their percentage in the market. It’s a perfect way to build from scratch or invest in an already established business model that’s based on subscription options. Keep in mind that a company can get monthly payments with the help of subscription options and get more revenue in the long run. Big companies that had one-time fees are adapting payment systems to monthly subscriptions.

Trend #3 – Blockchain systems will be massive for quarter 4.

The bitcoin price drops could be a perfect time to invest more. Warren Buffet says that the best time to invest in the industry is when people are running away from it. Bitcoin price dropped to $8000 last week, and people went crazy. Especially late comers decided to sell Bitcoin as soon as possible. If you look at Bitcoin trends on Twitter, you’ll see that big investors are buying more BTCs now when the market suffered a significant loss. Also, we need to mention the rising trend of BTC as a payment processing system. Even online casino for real money is striving for the adaption to BTC and other Crypto payments.

Investors also think that Facebook’s new coin will give Blockchain systems more trust. As of now, most of the established investors avoid investing in BTC or ETH because of a lack of trust. There are no legislative institutions involved in BTC transactions, so most investors don’t trust this kind of platform. Facebook’s new coin will give these investors the trust and regulations that are needed currently.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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