How to Combat Covid in the Workplace

Although a lot of industries are currently furloughing their staff or asking them to work at home, this isn’t a possibility for everyone. There will be some organisations who need their employees to come into the workplace in order to provide a key service or to produce essential goods. In that case, there are things that can be done to help combat covid in the workplace.  


Where possible, asking your staff to wear masks can make a huge difference to keep themselves and those around them safe. Branded face masks are a great investment if your employees interact with the public at all, as it will keep them looking smart and on-brand while protecting them – it also acts as a clever form of marketing too. There are different styles, including shields, snoods, and 3-ply washable masks. Your staff might have a preference, or there may be a particular style that suits the work you do much more efficiently. By providing staff with face masks, you can keep some on-site so that no one has the excuse of forgetting them. 

Promote regular handwashing

It should go without saying that regular hand washing is essential, but as an employer, there are ways you can really encourage this and make it easier for your staff. Ensure that there is always antibacterial soap in the bathrooms and plenty of paper towels, and keep hand gel topped up around the workplace. Pay particular attention to entrances and exits, areas of high traffic, and also shared equipment that is used, and place antibacterial hand gel in these areas. 

Keep it clean

If you employ cleaners, now is the time to up their hours and request a more thorough clean. That said, it’s important for your staff to take some ownership over cleaning their own workspace. By providing wipes, cleaning spray, and disposable paper towels, you can encourage your employees to clean their desk before and after use (especially useful if you do any hot-desking or desk sharing). It also gives them peace of mind too. Task one person every day with cleaning the office hotspots, such as door handles, lift buttons, and communal phones. 

Good ventilation

Ventilation is incredibly important in reducing the spread of coronavirus, and although it might be a little cold, you should try to keep plenty of windows and doors open to allow a flow of fresh air. The risk of using air conditioning systems is incredibly low, so you can continue to use these as normal; however, it is preferable to use fresh air where possible. 

Another important thing to remember is that this is a difficult time for everyone, physically and mentally. Be sure to check in on your workers to see how they are coping and if there is anything you can do to support them. This time is going to require a little more patience, kindness, and flexibility from everyone. Remember that it won’t last forever. 

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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