Credit: Giuseppe Savo
For many, being a CEO is a dream job; you get to enjoy a high salary and a luxury lifestyle. However, there are downsides; perhaps the most often quoted being the incredible level of responsibility.
Admittedly there are all the perks that go with such a high-powered position, but you will also be under tremendous stress. While your PA is employed to deal with the minutiae of your working life your typical day will consist of a constant round of meetings dealing with issues such as sales, marketing, and general staffing issues. There will also be occasions when you have to take strategic decisions that could affect the very survival of your company.
All of this means you will be putting yourself under a great deal of stress, which could have a detrimental effect on your professional performance, not to mention your health. Even CEO’s deserve time to themselves and this most certainly applies to you. Fortunately, your salary will probably allow you to spend vacations in destinations that allow you to completely relax for at least a few days every so often. Even a meal with your spouse, friends and family in a luxury restaurant, followed by an evening in an exclusive club will help recharge your batteries.
Your hobbies can also help release you from the stress and strain of work. If you own a yacht there is no better way to relax than by taking it out on the waves. Many executives enjoy golf and being a CEO you may be a member of a plush golf club. Enjoy a regular round or two with friends and once again those professional duties will be pushed to the back of your mind.
While quiet time away from work and hobbies is an excellent way to relax, albeit for a short time, you should also look after your health over the longer term. While the cost of healthcare will be no problem to you, you should also concentrate on keeping yourself fit, both physically and mentally. One of the best ways to achieve this is by visiting a luxury spa to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy.
Another great way to stay tuned up if you’re suffering from back problems is to get adjusted by a chiropractor. Life tends to take a toll on the body and our back can get misaligned and misalign a lot of other systems in the process that depend on the back. Getting adjusted is vital if you put your body through a lot of activity. As a CEO you spend long periods standing, sitting, and rushing to the next meeting. Before a massage check your alignment. Massages are also a great form of keeping your body tuned up and performing at capacity.
A massage will help you relax, something which is all but impossible during your hectic working day. Other benefits of massage therapy include an improved mental outlook and a reinforced positive attitude, crucial elements for any successful CEO.
Mental and physical fitness go hand in hand and a visit to a chiropractor will help ease those aches and pains and keep the body in tip top condition as well as provide complete relaxation. Both are essential if you are to perform at optimum level. Skilled chiropractors such as Detroit Chiropractor Dr. Sol Cogan provide an excellent service for senior executives.
You role as a CEO is crucial for your company. To quote a sporting phrase you need to be constantly “on top of your game”, but this also causes stress. In order to carry out your duties to the best of your ability you need to relieve that stress and relax by dedicating some time to you, whether it be by taking up a hobby, enjoying leisure time or taking care of your health.