Credit: Chuck Coker
It’s happened: you have a brilliant idea for an invention and you know it’s destined to sell. One of the hardest parts of the invention process is coming up with a killer concept, however the next step is almost as challenging: getting the proverbial ball rolling! If feeling stuck, check out a few tips for starting the invention design process:
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Document. Everything.
Before telling anyone about your idea, document it! Dedicate a notebook exclusively to your invention and write out everything having to do with it: how it works, what materials it requires, how it benefits the consumer, etc. Keep original copies of all drawings, diary entries, receipts for materials, and photographs. Take photos of your progress and be sure to date every “invention diary” entry. You can never have enough invention documentation!
Ensure It’s Original
Perform a search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office official website to make certain your idea is original. While doing a Google search is also helpful, the patent office provides information on new inventions that have patents but aren’t commercially available. So if you have an idea for a product you know hasn’t hit the market yet, you’ll still need to discover if it’s similar to a patented item.
Obtain a Patent
While you don’t have to patent your invention, industry experts generally agree it’s a good call! Keep in mind the U.S. Patent Office does not patent ideas, so creating a prototype, however amateur, is necessary. Three types of patent applications are available: utility, design and plant. A design patent is granted to someone “who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture,” and is likely the option you need.
Work With an Invention Help Company
Working with the right invent help company makes the invention design process a lot easier, as you’ll have access to experienced engineers creating amazing prototypes. An invention help company such as Idea Design Studio provides discounts on patents among many other services, and since patents aren’t exactly cheap, it’s a good idea to have an invent help company in your corner!