Archives for July 2020

Proper Maintenance: 6 Things You Should Do Before and After Using an Industrial Floor Scrubber

Commercial floor cleaning can be challenging for business owners. They want to minimize labor costs, yet employ innovative solutions that guarantee continuous improvement. That’s why entrepreneurs opt for the latest cleaning tools to get the job done. For example, using an industrial floor scrubber facilitates a clean, hygienic, and comfortable premise in a cost-efficient way. […]

How do you Layout a Podcast Intros

You know what’s in trend! PODCASTS Oh yeah, podcasts were developed in 2004. Mind you the word used here is ‘developed’ because earlier this was known as ‘audio-blogging’ and dates way back in the 1980s. The question here is – if this is such an old concept then why has it become so ‘in’ only […]

Robert Trosten Talks About the Relevance of Risk for Smart Entrepreneurs

Are you an entrepreneur? If yes, then you know that risk is an essential part of your doing business. From planning a new venture to attaining success – there’s risk involved in the entire process. At times, entrepreneurs have no idea that the risks they are undertaking can jeopardize their stability, health, and finances. Hence, […]

Why is Gold Considered a Safer Investment?

About Your Investments When it comes to investing, you want to invest for your future. It is possible that you are offered investment packages at your job. It is always wise to take advantage of retirement accounts that are offered; this is especially true if your employer matches your investments. At the same time, you […]

5 Remote Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It can be difficult being the manager. People look to you for guidance and leadership but also see you as the enemy sometimes. And now that many teams are working remotely, being a manager is harder than ever. Here are some common remote management tips:  1. Establish Structure Lack of face-to-face supervision and interaction can […]