Instagram Story Views Order: How it Works & What it Means

Instagram Story

You might be looking at the story viewers list on Instagram and seeing how it is organized. Every time someone views your Instagram story, you could notice some familiar faces on the list of story viewers. In order to rank the story viewers on the list, Instagram uses a few algorithms. Every time a viewer is added to the list, the list alters depending on a few things.

This post will provide you with all of the information that Instagram uses to rank the story viewers on the list.

What does the order of Instagram story viewers mean?

The order of Instagram story viewers has nothing to do with public participation like likes, tags, or comments. The stories shared on Instagram are dependent on how engaged you are in a certain profile, post, or material, or simply your relationship with the person who posted the stories, similar to the feed. These characteristics aid in the creation of successful relationships between the creator and the viewers on Instagram.

Who are the top viewers of the Instagram story?

If your story has less than 50 views regularly, the list is chronological, with whoever initially looked at your story at the top. Once your stories reach 50 views, a new ranking system based on likes, DMs, comments, and other factors kicks in.

How Instagram Story Views Order Works

Algorithms Based Sorting

Although Instagram can not confirm the sequence of story viewers, most users say that the first 50 views on their stories are presented chronologically. Those listed first saw your story the most recently, and so on.

The algorithm takes control after 50 views on your Instagram story.

  • Instagram’s algorithms are shrouded in mystery, there is no clear way to predict how your story viewers will be ranked.

Some Factors That Influence The Views Order 

1. Interaction With The User’s Profile 

One probable explanation is that you interact with such users frequently. Like, commenting on or reposting someone else’s content is an example of engagement. It also means interacting with someone by direct messaging.

If you notice a name you don’t see very often, there might be another reason it is so high on your list.

2. Time Of Posting 

Ah!! Although the deep mysteries of time aren’t at play here. With sufficient evidence, some algorithm is definitely in place here. One of the views could get listed first, and so on. So, ask your friends to keep up with your notifications if they wish to appear at the top. 

This reverse chronological sequence is precisely how it works until you get a viewership of 50. 

However, at that point, you’re looking at a rather large list that most certainly contains a slew of strangers. It would be tough to find a specific individual if you were looking for them. Instead, after your story has received 51 views, Instagram changes things up!! 

3. Relevance Of Content To The Viewer 

Instagram is all about interaction, and they want to show you the people that interest you the most. Furthermore, most visitors never browse past the first five article watchers on the list.

Instagram will populate those places with the people you’re most interested in to boost engagement.

Instagram knows this, but how? It’s a trade secret, and they won’t reveal it. However, it is tied to the time you and the other person have spent together. A stranger who has never engaged with you will appear at the bottom of the list.

4. Relationship Between The User And Viewer 

Instagram has access to your Facebook and WhatsApp interactions. If you’re friends with someone on one of those platforms, Instagram considers their interactions. You haven’t had much interaction with them on Instagram. 

However, if you consistently remark on each other’s Facebook profiles, they will appear higher on your list of story readers.

Once again, this increases interaction and links you with genuine friends. Instagram wants you to see the people who interest you the most.

5. Other Potential Factors 

  • Anyone who likes your Instagram story will be moved to the top of the list. Their inclusion here is unrelated to any of the previously listed explanations. Instagram does this simply so you can see who has liked your story quickly and easily.
  • If a person often engages with your content despite you not following them back, they gradually rise to the top of the algorithm’s list of story watchers.

Implications Of The Instagram Story Views Order 

You should now be able to make sense of the sequence of your Instagram Story visitors. 

The point is, why is it even relevant in the first place?

The following are the main reasons why any agency or social media manager should be concerned with Story views:

Implications For Regular Users

  • Optimize your content approach for optimum engagement: The individuals who appear at the top of your Story viewers list regularly are most likely your client’s biggest followers. 
  • Examine their profiles to learn about their preferences—they are a wealth of new hashtags, content types, and Instagram note ideas with the best engagement returns. 
  • Comparison and social validation: If the comparison is a way to improve our lives, then there is nothing wrong with it. The comparison would only allow you to increase your Instagram game like your favorite influencer. And who doesn’t need some validation that comes off with those extra likes?
  • Insecurity and anxiety: It leads to anxiety!! There’s no denying that. So it’s better to focus on your long-term goals rather than short-term hits. Higher story numbers look great, but it often leads to dissatisfaction. So be aware not to delve too deep and instead focus on improving yourself. 

Implications For Brands

  • Tracking and analyzing performance: Get to the bottom of your Story Watchers list to locate your client’s disengaged followers. Analysing their profiles reveals much about the content they like, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy and increase interaction. 
  • Using the views order to their advantage: Being at the top of the Story Watchers list indicates a high level of interest. These users are great prospects for customers’ lead-generation activities. 

Tips For Boosting Instagram Story Views 

Post Engaging And Relevant Content

You’ve certainly heard this before, but it’s especially relevant to your story. You might believe you are doing well by posting several stories throughout the day, but how many of these tales provide valuable insights to your viewers?

If your tales are nothing more than fluff to your viewers, they will scroll forward to more intriguing stories. In the end, this will only harm your reputation.

Instead of worrying about how many posts you make, try providing more high-quality information. Give your viewers information that will help them learn more about your niche.

This not only engages your audience but it also instills trust in your brand.

Use Interactive Features

  1. Use The Size Feature 

Believe it or not, Instagram Stories has a “safe area” that ensures vital aspects are visible. This can be a call to action, an interactive sticker, a brand mention, or a hashtag. 

The recommended size for Instagram Stories is 10801920, which has a 9:16 aspect ratio. 

Fortunately, you don’t need to know how to resize photographs on Instagram to achieve this. Most current phones can take films and images with that aspect ratio natively. 

  1. Ask Questions, Take Polls, And Create Quizzes

What could be clearer than asking your audience what they want to see in your blogs or stories? It’s one of the most popular Instagram Stories features, polls, and quizzes. 

This is fantastic for companies and businesses since it allows them to directly ask questions, share comments, and make ideas regarding products and services rather than assuming what works and doesn’t.

  1. Optimize Posting Times

Many online platforms identify ideal publishing times for maximum interaction by analysing prior content performance. In this phase, you can identify and use posting time ideas. 

  1. Use Hashtags

Hashtags are the most effective and efficient engagement boosters in Instagram posts and stories. It provides access to many communities populated by active members within a given specialization. 

These communities result in some of the best ROIs for engagement, sales, followers, etc.

Tagging Accounts And Locations

Whether for promotions or to express gratitude, referencing other accounts is a terrific approach to improve your relationship with them. 

It also helps you to attract more active and engaged followers by simply sending shoutouts to your loyal consumers. 

You can also try tagging places so that when Instagram users search for a certain location, they can find businesses, activities, and events.

Collaborate With Other Users And Brands 

All companies anticipate more from their social media presence, but employing only one company account limits you to a smaller or, in some cases, the same old audience.

That’s where Instagram collaboration comes in, allowing you to reach a wider audience with several accounts by cooperating with influencers in your field.

Run Instagram Ads 

Instagram advertising assists you in generating prospects and moving them along the sales funnel to a conversion. Because the platform provides ad options to make your postings eye-catching and engaging, it also helps enhance website traffic and brand visibility. 

To visually showcase your campaign, you can use movies, reels, photographs, or a group of pictures. Because Instagram is primarily about pictures, text advertising isn’t allowed. 

What’s the most thrilling part? Well-designed graphic advertising can entice Instagram users to message, contact, phone, or visit a business’s website.

How does Instagram organize the Story Views Order?

Instead of how you engage with these accounts, the order of Story viewers is determined by how your followers interact with your profile on the platform. This implies that the people who have viewed your profile the most frequently appear first on the list.

Instagram’s algorithm constantly changes, making it difficult to anticipate what will happen next. If one examines how the story is posted and viewed, it is clear that significant changes have occurred. In 2022, the order of Instagram story viewers was permanently altered.

This is because the Instagram algorithm tries to show the user what they want. This implies it tries a variety of methods to reveal what other people are doing by enhancing the user’s rundown. Users will see a new group of persons on top every time the order is updated. This adds to the app’s appeal and prevents it from becoming tedious to use. Every time a user opens the app, they will see a different individual on top.

Related – 10 Best Instagram Story Viewers in 2023 [Anonymous And Free]

Does Instagram Story Views Order Really Matter?

Yes, since the Instagram Story viewer order relates to the order in which users who have watched a specific Story are listed. The list and the order in which it appears are more than just a list of people who have watched your Story. It informs content providers about who is most interested in their work. People are frequently curious about who watched their Instagram stories when, and this is something that consumes a lot of their time.

Businesses need the Instagram story algorithm to build relationships with their followers and other individuals who view their stories. Obtaining this type of data is both necessary and rewarding for businesses. This is just one of the numerous steps that business owners and other organizations may take to boost their profile’s engagement and, as a result, their company’s branding.

Why is the same person always at the bottom of my Instagram story views?

If the same person appears at the bottom of your story view every time, it’s likely that you don’t follow them, but they follow you. People you don’t follow are usually at the bottom of the list.


If you’ve ever wondered why the same individuals show at the top of your Instagram story viewer list, this article may have answered your questions. We hope that you found the above information useful. Thanks for reading!

Can you control the Instagram Story Views Order?

The story order views are based on factors like engagement, time, and close friends. Therefore, you cannot change or control your Instagram story views. 

Why are some viewers missing from the view order?

You could have blocked them, or your story didn’t reach them. Try reaching them out through personal messages.

Why does the view order change over time?

The more engagement and interactions someone has, the higher they will rank on your Instagram Story viewers list.

Do Instagram bots affect the view order?

They degrade the user experience and prevent true engagement with your organic and paid articles.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.