How to Start a Profitable Handyman Business? Top 5 Tips to Follow

Are you a dab hand with tools? The different bolts and wrench parts needed? If yes, starting a handyman business can be an extremely lucrative choice. According to the average reports, handymen easily earn $100 per hour for their work and expertise. So, instead of working under someone and making minimum wage, why not transform your skills into a high-paying business (find more on TenantCloud)?

This article will guide you through the step-by-step process you need to follow to start a profitable handyman business from scratch.

Choose the Services You’d Offer

When we talk about a handyman, be assured that we are talking about it as an umbrella term. There are different types of services that handymen do too. Some work in plumbing, some in construction, and some in sprucing up the backyard services.

The options are pretty diverse. However, this is where the first step comes in. You need to pick and choose the services that you will offer. Typically, we’d recommend choosing them based on your expertise or the team of people that will work with you.

Know the Laws

Starting a business is not an easy task. The first step towards starting a business is to get a contractor’s license. The contracting laws in the state will vary from one state to the other. Some handyman services can be done without a license, and then a few others need proper licensing.

However, we’d recommend that you contact a lawyer or someone with legal knowledge before starting the business. Don’t wait till you are flourishing before you consider getting a license.

Define the Target Clientele

Just because you start a handyman business doesn’t mean that every person will be your target client. That is not how it works. You can’t help just about every person that comes up to you with a problem. This will divert you from your core services and make it difficult for you to upscale your charges and expertise in the market.

Also, when you define your ideal clients, you won’t have to lower your prices for the services you do. When you target the right customers, it doesn’t take long to grow. Also, working for the ideal customers provides optimal work satisfaction as well.

Set your Charges

So, you have the licensing done, and you are ready to launch your business and target the local customers first.

How Much Would You Charge?

This is where you need to take a step back, conduct thorough market research to find what kind of hourly charges are running in the market.

When setting the charge for your services, keep a few essential factors in mind:

  • Expertise you have
  • Kind of services you are providing
  • Local competition
  • Professionalism and reputation, etc.

Once these individual factors are figured out, you can wring out the prices that align with your business’s best interest.


Sometimes, all you need to do to start a good handyman business is develop a plan of action. These tips can help you navigate the process and build a business from scratch without negative impacts. Just ensure that you ask around, network, and become more enthusiastic about marketing your services to make it a profitable venture.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.