How Are Mock UPSC CSE Exams Beneficial?

To choose candidates for various government positions, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Civil Services Examination, one of India’s most prestigious competitive tests. The test consists of three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. The Prelims stage is the most critical filtration stage because it attracts thousands of applicants yearly. Applicants who pass the preliminary round advance to the main round. Consequently, candidates must practice and take mock exams before taking the actual examination.

So, what is the importance of mock UPSC CSE examinations these days?

Let’s find out with this article.

UPSC CSE Prelims Cut-Off

The UPSC CSE prelims cut off year wise are different and are established depending on several variables, including the number of openings, the number of applicants, and the exam difficulty level. For candidates in the General category, the cut-off points in prior years have been between 98 and 116. For instance, the cut-off score for candidates in the General category in 2021 was 98, while it was 98 in 2020. The cut-off score for applicants in the General category in 2019 was 98, compared to 98.66 in 2018.

It’s vital to remember that the Prelims cut-off marks only represent the absolute minimum required to pass. Overqualified candidates can go to the Mains stage, but their final selection will be based on how well they do in the Mains and Interview stages.

Benefits of Mock Exams

Sectional or comprehensive mock exams are advantageous in several ways. Thus, below are some benefits of mock exams.

1) Time Management:  management is critical to the challenging UPSC Prelims test. Regular practice of mock exams aids applicants in creating a time-management plan. Candidates learn how to prioritise answering specific questions first and how to allocate their time across the various sections of the exam. To maximize their results, applicants should manage their time well and understand the questions requiring more time to answer.

2) Managing Pressure: The UPSC Prelims test is considered one of India’s most difficult. To withstand the stress of the exam, candidates need to be mentally and emotionally ready. By taking practice exams, candidates can increase their self-assurance, conquer anxieties, and deal with unexpected exam questions. The ability to remain composed and concentrated during practice exams can help applicants do better on test days.

3) Options-Playing: In the Prelims exam, incorrect answers receive a negative grade. As a result, candidates must be sure of their responses before responding to a question. By taking mock exams, candidates can improve their knowledge of the many sorts of questions, weed out wrong answers, and increase their odds of correctly guessing the answer when they are unsure. This enables individuals to increase their scores and reduce the possibility of receiving a failing grade.

4) Optimum Number of Questions to Attempt: The Prelims exam is a qualifying exam, and applicants must get a minimum cut-off score to advance to the Mains stage. Ideally, they should attempt as many questions as possible. Depending on their amount of preparation and the difficulty of the exam, candidates may attempt a wide range of questions. Practising mock tests helps candidates to determine the optimum number of questions they should attempt based on their level of preparation and the difficulty of the paper.

5) Current Affairs Orientation: The UPSC Prelims exam places a strong emphasis on current affairs, therefore applicants should keep up with current affairs news and happenings. Candidates can keep up with the most recent events in the world by practising mock exams that include all major publications, including The Hindu and Indian Express, as well as periodicals. They may be better able to respond to questions on current events and have a better chance of moving on to the Mains stage as a result. Also, the free mock exams include questions on both the static section and the month’s current events, assisting applicants in making a thorough preparation for the exam.

6) Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Candidates can learn about their strengths and shortcomings by taking mock examinations. Candidates might identify their strong points and areas that require more attention by regularly practising. This enables them to alter their preparation plan and devote more effort to the subjects that require it. Candidates can raise their overall score and raise their chances of passing the Prelims stage by concentrating on their weak areas.

7) Simulating Test Environment: Taking mock tests helps applicants gain a sense of the actual exam by simulating the exam setting. They can feel the exam pressure, the time restrictions, and the question structure. This lessens the likelihood that they may make careless errors on test day and helps them psychologically and emotionally prepare for the actual exam.

8) Revision: Candidates can improve their preparation by routinely taking mock exams. They might review the material they previously studied to fill in any knowledge gaps. This enhances their ability to review and enables them to solidify their knowledge. Candidates can increase their memory recall and retention of the material by regularly revising.

9) Increasing Quickness and Accuracy: Simulated exams assist applicants in increasing their quickness and accuracy when answering questions. Candidates can gain a better knowledge of the kind of questions, the exam’s structure, and the amount of time needed to answer each question by regularly practising. Their chances of passing the Mains stage are increased since they can answer questions more swiftly and precisely as a result.


In conclusion, Mock exams are a crucial tool for applicants preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Prelims exam, to sum up. They support candidates’ confidence-building efforts, time management development, and surprise preparation for the actual exam. Over the period, the UPSC Prelims Cut off last 10 years has risen. So, to pass the exam and advance to the Mains level, applicants must prepare thoroughly. Candidates might realise their aspiration of becoming public employees and helping the country by regularly practising mock exams.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What Is the UPSC Civil Services Examination, and What Are the Benefits of Taking Mock Exams for This Exam?

Ans: The UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of India’s most prestigious competitive tests used to select candidates for various government positions. The examination consists of three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. The Prelims stage is the most critical filtration stage, attracting thousands of applicants yearly. Candidates who pass the preliminary round advance to the main round, with final selection based on their performance in the Mains and Interview stages.

Q2. What Is the UPSC Civil Services Examination?

Ans: The UPSC Civil Services Examination is a highly competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select candidates for various civil services positions in the Indian government, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS), among others.

Q3. What Is the Exam Pattern for the UPSC Civil Services Examination?

Ans: The UPSC Civil Services Examination consists of three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview. The Preliminary exam is objective in nature, while the Main exam is descriptive. The Interview is a personality test that evaluates the candidate’s overall suitability for civil services.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.