Image by Doug Kline via Flickr
Exhibiting can be a very tough job – and the last thing you want to do is make it tougher for yourself by forgetting some simple rules. Here are some dos and don’ts for exhibitors, whether they be old hands or first-timers.
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Plan Far Ahead
Preparation is the key to a successful exhibit – and with so much competition out there, if you’re planning to just wing it, you may as well not turn up. Set out your goals long in advance, check out what kind of exhibitors you’re going to be competing with, work on a pre-show outreach strategy, and don’t forget to give the exhibition guidelines a thorough look. And if you are exhibiting for the first time, business insiders say even as far as 18 months ahead isn’t too early to start planning – and they advise checking out other industry events before you become part of one.
Choose the Right Show
Sound simple? Go to just about any trade show and you’ll be able to spot a stand or two that looks like it should be at a completely different show – and possibly a different planet. It’s all about sellers meeting buyers, so know where the right buyers will be, and remember that some shows may not be worth your while if a dozen other exhibitors with the same product or service have snagged the right location.
Get the Right Look
Get in touch with exhibition stand builders to help find the look that will be just right for you. Flashy stands will definitely capture people’s initial attention, but not every business is a flashy one and experts say that having a stand design that makes you more approachable than your competitors is another way to stand out from the crowd. To stand out from the crowd, make sure your roller banner stands are attractive.
Stay Professional
It is a rule that is often repeated, but one that people forgets about time after time: Keep your stand, your staff, and you looking professional. That means that visitors to your stand should find themselves dealing with welcoming people who know what they’re talking about, and not feel like they are interrupting somebody’s lunch, phone conversation – or hangover!
Take Care of Your Staff
Your workers are your ambassadors so they will have to be well-trained, knowledgeable, and able to spot a real prospect from a time-waster, and since exhibiting is hard work that takes up long days, they should also be offered plenty of rewards, and possibly even a party, for getting the job right.
Forget to Follow Up on Your Leads
It’s another simple rule, and another one that is forgotten far too often: After the hard work of exhibiting, don’t allow the leads you’ve worked for to become old and stale, but keep them fresh and follow up as soon as you can. If you’re worried about seeming too eager, remember that your rivals may have no such qualms.
Stop Working When the Show’s Over
At an event – especially a multi-day one – plenty of opportunities exist even when the exhibit has wrapped up for the day: There are plenty of seminars and after-hours social events to take advantage of and even if you’re just socialising normally in the host city, don’t forget you’re likely to run into plenty of industry people!
Forget to Learn From Your Experience
If your exhibition fails to impress or you fall far short of your targets, treat it is an opportunity to improve instead of as a complete disaster. Think about whether your targets were too high, about whether you were engaging with the right audience, and about what kind of message you were sending, and work on ways to make your next exhibit a hit. And even if the show turned out to be a runaway success, there’s always room to do better!