Everything You Need to Know About Reactivation Emails

We’re discussing how you can retarget campaigns using data from your mass email tool

When you begin an email campaign, you have to start by building an email list. In addition to consistently building and updating your list, you need to keep your current recipients engaged. Over time, you will eventually start to get recipients that are no longer interacting with your messages. This is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it is good for your future campaigns. Checking your mass email tool, you’ll start to see declining engagement which will hurt your deliverability rate. 

To keep your audience engaged, you need to send reactivation emails. Today, we’re going to be exploring some of the many ways you can approach reactivation emails and how you can use a Gmail bulk email service to help you narrow your target audience for more effective campaigns.

Why Do I Need to Send Reactivation Emails?

If you start seeing declining reports from your mass email tool, it’s a sign you need to start planning a reactivation campaign

Your data will show who you should target for your reactivation campaign.

People receive hundreds of emails every single day. It is impossible to read every single message that comes through an inbox from every single company. Because of this, sometimes you need to retarget your messages so you can keep your audience engaged.

When people begin losing interest in your messages, they can do one of three things:

  1. They hit the “unsubscribe” button
  2. They hit the “report as spam”
  3. They ignore your messages

When any of these three things happen, it can hurt your analytics pulled from your mass email tool. In the case of recipients reporting your messages as spam, it will actually hurt your email addresses reputation and more of your messages will end up in the spam folder. So, what can you do to keep your audience engaged? Send reactivation emails!

What Does a Reactivation Campaign Look Like?

Find out what you need to do to get better campaign metrics via your mass email tool

Reactivation Campaign

Reactivation campaigns are tricky, but ultimately worth it.

A reactivation campaign has a single goal — get your passive subscribers to re-engage. It can be an open or a click-through, it doesn’t matter. If your audience hasn’t been interacting with your messages lately, this is a risky move, so you usually only get one shot at a reactivation email per recipient. If you keep emailing inactive addresses, there is a high chance that your address will be marked as spam. So, before you hit the send button on your mass email tool, we’re going over some of the key elements that you should include in your reactivation campaign

How to Plan a Successful Reactivation Campaign

Planning a reactivation campaign can be tricky, so make sure that you use your mass email tool to catch any issues before you hit send

Plan a Successful Reactivation Campaign

Making your emails mobile friendly will increase your open and click rates.

Before you can send your reactivation emails, you first need to make sure that you aren’t already having issues with deliverability. Your chosen mass email tool can give you data on how many emails are being delivered to actual inboxes, and how many are being delivered as spam messages. If you are experiencing low delivery rates, it will damage the reputation of your address, meaning your messages will be sent directly to spam.

After you’ve gotten the latest data on your delivery rate, it’s time to identify why your audience may have disengaged. There are a number of reasons people stop interacting or unsubscribe, for example:

  • They receive too many emails
  • Your messages are no longer relevant
  • Your messages are not mobile friendly
  • The address is no longer in use

To start the planning process, identify one of these reasons that you feel like you can target. For example, if people are unsubscribing because they have made a one-time purchase and no longer feel your content is relevant, you can try to offer them something that will encourage them to engage with your content. In many cases something like a discount or special offer can get people engaged in your content again.

Remove Your High Risk Addresses

Identify and remove any addresses that automatically mark your messages as spam

Remove High Risk

Eliminating high risk addresses is a smart way to preserve your address reputation.

As we previously mentioned, one of the biggest goals of email marketing is avoiding the spam folder. When you have older addresses or contacts that haven’t interacted with a message in several months, you should remove them from your list before sending out reactivation emails. You should target people who may have recently lost interest and are willing to give your messages another chance — not someone who has already marked you as spam. 

Now that we’ve learned about what reactivation emails are and how to send them, it’s time to start writing and designing. Depending on your industry, there are many different types of and strategies to choose from. As long as you follow reactivation email best practices and are consistently monitoring your mass email tool for the latest data, you will be well on your way to winning back customers. 

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.