Creating a Powerful Web Presence for Your Startup

Startup presence

If you’re at all connected to the online world, you probably assume that just about every business on the planet has a website. In reality, 46 percent of U.S. small businesses don’t have a website for their company, according to a report released by business-to-business research firm Clutch. Although some businesses told Clutch they rely on social media instead of a static site or think their industry doesn’t warrant it, companies without a website are missing out on attracting new customers. Or worse yet, they risk frustrating past and current customers who can’t find the information they’re looking for.

Whether you need to launch a website or are struggling to solidify your web presence for your startup, you can come up with a plan of action to push your business forward. From designing with goals in mind to amplifying your overall web presence, here are three ways to get started today.

Design with your goals in mind

Before you design and launch a web presence, it’s important to identify your goals from the start. Businesses that want more subscribers to an email list will have very different goals than those trying to sell physical products. A website designed around growing a subscriber list should focus on an opt-in box that exchanges a value, like an ebook or access to a private Facebook group in exchange for an email list. Meanwhile, an e-commerce site selling products should have a clean layout that clearly identifies what they offer.

Whether you work in B2C or B2B, an e-commerce website should focus on the user experience. Take Apple Rubber for example; the manufacturing company offers customers interactive options to find the correct o-ring sizes and order samples, ultimately empowering its customers. Considering that 91 percent of customers say they would use a knowledge base if it met their needs, there’s no reason not to deliver on what they want by offering DIY options directly on your website, Forbes says.

Create value

At the end of the day, a fantastic-looking website only goes so far. Your audience also wants a valuable product, service or information that solves their problem. Look at your website and identify where customers can find value. Are plenty of FAQ resources available to allow them to find the answers they want immediately? Next, navigate through your own website to ensure the user experience is seamless and makes it a no-brainer to use your site above your competitor. You can also poll your loyal customers on what they like and don’t like about your website to integrate even more value based on their feedback.

Expand to other platforms

Once you’ve navigated through the bells and whistles of designing your web presence and the value you offer customers, it’s time to think about gaining more exposure. While SEO is important to your efforts to get seen on Google, there are faster ways to get in front of your core audience and demographics by leveraging other online platforms.

Start by looking to see where your competitors are selling and where your customers are buying. Selling on Amazon and eBay could introduce you to new customers who might not know about your services or products otherwise. You can also expand your brand awareness on other sites by pitching yourself as a guest on podcasts or writing for a platform like Linkedin Pulse to establish your thought leadership and expertise in your industry.

Remember, your web presence is an extension of your business. Focus on building a well-branded website with a seamless user experience and then take steps to spread your online reach.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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