Why Should You Get an SSL for Your Website?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security method by which data is transferred over servers gets encrypted such that the website’s vulnerability to hacker attacks and phishing is reduced considerably. When people access an SSL-secured website, they feel confident that their sensitive data (credit card number, address, phone number, social security number, etc.) is secure […]

8 Irritating Things About Your Website That Can Drive Visitors Away

Every website owner wants to attract as many visitors to their website as possible. To this effect, various SEO techniques will be implemented on the website. But, despite the best of intentions, it is possible that some mistakes will creep into the overall design and structure of the website. Let’s take a look at a […]

Companies That Are Getting Creative With Cryptocurrency

As 2017 grinded to a halt, cryptocurrency investment options has turned into one of the most explored options by leading investors around the globe. Regardless of whether or not you’re thinking about making a substantial financial investment in cryptocurrencies at this point in time, it’s going to be well worth it to invest some time […]

How To Use Facebook Messenger Ads Profitably

It is estimated that almost two billion messages are sent using Facebook Messenger by users every month. If you own a business, you should realize how big an opportunity it represents. While earlier there were no options to target these users for business, Facebook has introduced Messenger Ads to resolve this problem. With this feature, […]

Why iPhone Users Spend More Money Than Android Users?

As far as smartphones are concerned, iPhone users have been observed to spend more on apps than their Android counterparts. This has been a consistent trend over the past years, and something that is expected to continue well into the coming years as well. According to the report, ‘State Of In-App Spending’, iOS users spend […]