5 Reasons Why a Virtual Office Could Be Your Ideal Business Solution

For a long time, the image of a successful company was based on a structured, archetypal office space. There are individual workstations, booths, or desks for employees. There might be a canteen or a leisure area for break times. Most importantly, there is a sense of order, rigidity, and routine.

Yet, anybody who has ever worked in an office like this knows that, often, productivity is in short supply. Without the right balance between personal focus and team interaction, employees do not get the stimulation they need to produce great results. It is why many new businesses are breaking with tradition and opting for virtual office solutions.

This guide to the benefits of virtual offices in Australia will give you an insight into the world of flexible, contemporary workspaces.

Access to Facilities

Flexible facilities, like the virtual offices at Servcorp, can be found in all of the major cities in Australia. They are perfect for entrepreneurs looking for a way to launch because they come with minimal overheads. Instead of paying separately for internet, electricity, heating, cleaning, telephone lines, and more, choose a fixed monthly fee and access the complete package.

Help with Basic Tasks

Many of the tasks which eat up office time are quite basic. Answering the phone, for example, is a simple process, but it often requires a dedicated member of staff. That is unless you decide to work from a virtual space, with a shared service. Most virtual facilities provide access to a highly skilled receptionist who can answer calls in any way that you request.

Lower Overheads

Most new businesses do not have access to unlimited cash. They have to plan their investments very carefully so that as many startup expenses can be recouped as possible. It is much easier to do if you are not tied down to a rigid office lease. Virtual facilities do not require a long-term agreement; you can stop or start using their services at any time. Plus, it only takes a chat with a representative to upgrade or downscale your current package.

Strong Identity

Don’t overestimate the power of a great first impression, particularly when you are young and new on the scene. If you can position yourself close to the major players, both geographically and economically, you will attract the same attention from investors and sponsors. A prestigious corporate address goes a long way to convincing people that you are worth a second look. So, take advantage of the fact that many virtual offices are in highly sought after locations.

Easier Credit

It might not be fair to base credit decisions on where a small business starts out, particularly if it can demonstrate a secure plan for growth, but most lenders do. It means that you are less likely to be approved for loans if you operate out of a home base like a garage or a bedroom. Acquiring a corporate address shows that you take the venture seriously and are planning to expand it in a demonstrable, profitable way.

Why Going Virtual is Your Fast Track to Success

The temptation is to assume that the loss of a private office is a negative thing. Yet, recent studies disagree with this. Every year, more businesses opt for flexible office solutions and the freedom to make instant changes leads to greater productivity. Employees feel more creative. Teams get more opportunities to collaborate and network. Plus, investors appreciate the security which comes with an agile growth strategy.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.


  1. Mohit, this posts sums up very nicely indeed the benefits of going ‘virtual’ in the 21st century. Certainly our UK experience mirrors your comments about Australia. IMHO the development of integrated networking cloud software from the major companies such as Microsoft have given an impetus to distance working. Getting a new venture off to a flying start with a prestigeous address is also a major plus to the virtual office business dynamic. Very good blog by the way and one that I follow regularly.

  2. This type of office space can save you a lot of time and costs. Also, it is a new style representing modern trends, flexibility and open environment to business success and productivity. Last but not least employees will appreciate interaction of the complex space.

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