Archives for November 2016

Three Quick Tips to Improve your Business Writing Skills

Writing is an important part of our professional life. We need to write emails, messages, presentations, reports, etc. on continuous basis irrespective of the verticals we work in. In fact, written communication forms a significant part of our daily work in the office. We are living in the era of virtual offices where team members […]

Why Marketing is an Ideal Degree Specialism for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you may be wondering if you need to further your education at all. You’ve got the ideas, and the internet has made it easier than ever to launch you own business. So, wouldn’t it be better to just get started instead of spending time and money on a degree? While this may […]

Entrepreneurial Epidemic: 4 Foolish Mistakes Most Startups are Guilty of

Deciding to start a startup can be one of the most rewarding and terrifying steps that any business-oriented individual will ever experience, and it’s safe to say that you want it to go right. With all the possible pitfalls and problems placed before you, it’s always good to have a push in the right direction […]

What do you wear to Daily Office, to an Interview and for a Business Meeting?

“Go buy some formals, suit up; you’re a business professional now!” Okay, but what kind of formals? Do you wear the same kind clothes for an interview, a business meeting and for daily office work? Knowing how to dress up for a business situation is absolutely important to make a healthy impression. You may not […]

Why You Should Still Work While Starting a Business

“Go all in”, “Focus solely on your business”, and “Quit your day job and start a business” – All of these are familiar advice aspiring entrepreneurs hear from family members, friends, and colleagues. And while it’s spoken with the best intentions, it may not always be the most pragmatic to follow. Working while starting a […]