Money Morning-A Primer for New Angel Investors

Many people go into angel investing as a way to help out those wanting to enter the business world and as a way to potentially make money. Angel investors give money to small companies or people with excellent ideas. If this sounds like something that you would want to do, then check out this primer to get advice on angel investing.


How Angel Investing Works

Many people may ask themselves “how do angel investors work“, so here’s a quick explanation. Angel investing allows you to give large amounts of money to small businesses or people that want to create a new product for sale. Many people can’t afford to start a new business, but you can cover that for them.

In return, you usually ask for stocks and receive dividends if they successfully make profits. This allows you to make money by investing some of your money into their ideas or potential products. You do so by giving them money and then they usually give you stocks in return as a way for you to potentially make money for supporting them.

Stocks and Dividends

When you start off as an angel investor, you need to understand how stocks and dividends work. When you give a business money, you have them give you stocks in return. These stocks represent a small portion of the business and they increase in value as the business grows and increases in value.

Dividends are payments that businesses make to stockholders. This means that as they make more money, they give you dividends as a way to repay you for your angel investment. So as the business grows and succeeds, your stocks increase in value and you get dividends for helping them out. You can eventually sell stocks for their value.

Do Proper Research

If you want to become an angel investor, then you need to look into stocks and businesses so that you can research them. Figure out which industries grow and which ones decline. Try and look for trends so that you can see which businesses you should get stocks from to gain a statistical advantage.

Keep in mind that research will never yield perfect results in the stock market, but you can still study it to see the best course of action. If you want to become an effective angel investor and avoid blind investments, you need to do some research. This will help you since you can use your knowledge as a personal guide.

Expect Risks

If you’re going to invest in other businesses, you need to understand the risks and potential losses that occur with investments. While you can make money through stocks and dividends, the business may fail or under-perform. If this happens, then you run the risk of losing that money since your stocks may decrease in value.

While you do face these risks when it comes to angel investing, you have the opportunity to make money as you learn how to invest. Just remember that investing comes with risks, so you need to keep that in mind whenever you look into it. See if it’s something that you can work with, do your research and then start angel investing.


While angel investing comes with its risks and potential losses that you could face, you also have the opportunity to make money while helping others. Consider angel investing and make sure that you do some research so that you can take advantage of this aspect of the stock market

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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