How to Write my Essay in 1 Hour?

“I’ll write my essay tomorrow” is one of the dangerous phrases when completing your assignments. Some students are confident enough to think that they can procrastinate their essay writing by underestimating the topic at hand. But when it comes to the process of writing, many students struggle to start writing because they don’t understand the topic or the subject matter is too broad that students cannot arrange their thought logically. Many students get stuck staring at a blank page before they realize their time is running out. In this article, we will give some killer tips on how to write a good essay fast. 

essay writing
  • Panic is not your friend

You are running out of time, and your due date is fast approaching will surely throw you into full-on panic mode. But being in such a state will only waste your time and also consume it. Instead of glancing at the clock every second and making yourself anxious, focus all your energy on concentrating on the topic at hand and writing. All the other things are just secondary. 

  • Put away all distractions

To re-ignite your motivation to write an essay. Keep yourself from all distractions until you finish writing. Keep away all your electronic gadgets. Social media is the enemy. Scrolling through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook will consume your time without you even knowing about it. So, lock your gadgets away and silence those notifications coming. Location is also key. Situate yourself where no one will distract you. Lock yourself in your room or go to a library for a quieter environment. Give yourself a thinking space free from outside noise that can pop your idea bubble. 

Writing tips
  • Get something that is easy

When you are in a time crunch, how do you write a last-minute essay? Go for the easy topic. There’s no need to complicate things by forcing yourself to write about a complex matter. Choosing something complex with a short amount of time will only worsen your anxieties due to the pressing deadline that will only lower the quality of your essay. Instead, go for a topic that is easy and will require a little research. Choose a topic with vast resources; this way, even if your creative juices are dry, you can still dig up ideas from the documents, journals, websites, or publications you see online. You can always impress your teacher with a topic that is easy but well-written than a topic that is complicated but with no substance. 

  • Write as if your life depends on it

If you are on the verge of giving up and you are asking now, asking yourself, “how do I force myself to write an essay?” think of the task as your lifeline. Like everything else doesn’t matter, and everything else depends on it. Think about it as the last straw to save your semester. It’s all or nothing. After all this thinking ahead, you should be able to find your motivation to write. Take this newly found motivation to write a quality essay by choosing topics that also interest you. A topic that is aligned with your interest will help you write an essay faster and will prevent you from running out of ideas. The only thing to do now is to write every thought that pops in your head and proofreading it at the same time. You don’t have much time left to spare on editing and reviewing, so ensure that every sentence you construct is almost flawless and in no need of revisions. 

  • Do not pressure yourself

Your priority when you are in crunch time is how to write an essay fast? It would be best to think about finishing the writing process and not thinking about it to be flawless and perfect. This does not mean that submitting a poorly written paper is okay when you are beating a deadline, and it just means that there are more important things to worry about other than the quality. The most important thing is by the end of the hour, you have a paper to submit. It is something other than having nothing at all. 

  • Embrace technology 

So, you have done your research and done your best to write an essay for one of your classes. Take advantage of modern technology. If you have doubts about your grammar, spelling, or sentence constructions, several free applications let you proofread your work and make use of them. Applications like Grammarly include grammar and spelling checkers. This way, you can double-check words or phrases you may have overlooked during your editing process. There are also citation applications that help you generate your references quickly. And, lastly run down your essay on a plagiarism checker. When in a hurry, sometimes we accidentally copy and forget to paraphrase from our sources. These tools are available to you on the internet. Use them to help improve the quality of your essay. 

Having plenty of time or being pressed by a deadline, writing an essay is a challenging task. It takes skill and years of experience to master the skill of writing. Do not worry if your work isn’t perfect. Everybody starts from the bottom. What’s important is that you don’t stop writing and continue to apply the tips you have learned to improve your skills in the future.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.