How to Get Your Own Products Into Mass Production: A Step-By-Step Guide

Do you know that each product we now use in our everyday lives was once just a distant idea? From our smartphones to cooking appliances and toys, forward-thinking entrepreneurs worked really hard to have their dreams of these products turned into reality. In this context, whether your objective for your following big product is to turn a significant profit, keep your company relevant, or want to come up with something new to stir up the market, keep in mind that you will never achieve these goals if you rush through the development process, cut corners, or get lazy.

Nevertheless, bringing your vision for a brand new original product and turning that vision from a simple idea to mass production is commonly the biggest hurdle for aspiring business owners. Read below for a step-by-step guide on how to get your product going, from the early concept to the release.

Developing a Product Concept

This is the first and earliest stage of the process, and it involves the birth of the initial idea. First, sketch it out, add written clarifications of what you envision your product to look like. Next, you need to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and map out how the consumers would use the product. 

In this stage, the production team needs to discuss many aspects thoroughly. Starting from the target audience, then moving on to the necessity of the planned product. Ask yourself if there is a market for the particular product, which issue of the consumers would it solve? Then, of course, you need to know your competition, if there is one. 

For example, suppose you are using injection molding as your manufacturing technique. In that case, you need to make sure that someone didn’t already produce a product with a very similar mold, which would make your product obsolete. Do you have enough human resources on your team for every stage of the process? If so, are there enough resources at your disposal? Then, naturally, there is always the question of the product’s name (branding). You need to carefully answer these questions with your team before moving on to the next stage.

Do Your Research

No successful product has ever made it to the production lines without thorough research beforehand. This is mainly focused on studying the market and your competition to prepare you for the eventual battle with competing products. Have your team answer the most critical questions: 

  • Is there a similar product on the market?
  • If so, how will yours separate itself as the superior option?
  • How to show your consumers that your product will better suit their needs?
  • Once production has eventually finished, which marketing tools will you use and how?
  • Who are you selling to?

Know the answers to all essential questions before you start designing your concept. 

Designing a Concept

The concept’s design is one of the most critical stages of the production process because, at this point, you envision how the end product would look, feel, and function. The most important thing to remember is that the principal standards are user-friendliness and functionality. Everything else takes a back seat. So pay attention to the following: 

  • In which manner will it be used?
  • What kind of materials are you going to use to make it?
  • How will it function?
  • What are the manufacturing costs?
  • Will it run on a battery or a cord?
  • Is it going to be profitable?
  • What is the packaging going to look like?

Creating a Final Design 

When your team completes the previous stages, it is time to finalize the design. Here, make sure to give the design the final tweaks, given that the more sturdy aspects have already been determined. The best way to complete the final design is using 3D CAD or any other 3D modeling software. After this, you will be able to truly see the product for the first time before you get it in your hands off the assembly line.

Now Is the Time for Testing

Testing is a crucial stage because there you will see the real issues that may arise. Don’t wait for the perfect prototype. The main point of testing is to resolve imperfections and shortcomings. Try to be as thorough as possible in this stage.

Finally, Onto the Assembly Line

After the successful testing, it’s time for your product to get on the assembly line for manufacturing. Here the most important elements are costs, manufacturer selection, time frame, and materials.

Final Thoughts 

After you have reached the actual manufacturing, you will need some feedback on the initial product (focus groups, employees, or family members). Then, iron out some last bumps, and you are ready for the official release. A lovely launching event is always a good idea. You can also add a press release. Now it’s up to the marketing team to sell your product.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.