Essential Tech Trends That Will Grow Your Business

Technology in the workplace is quickly becoming an essential part of the business world. Businesses without a firm grasp on technology are going the way of the digital dinosaur, which is why it’s so important for your business to stay up to speed with tech trends. With business technology in mind, here are a few technological advancements that will take your office life to new heights.

The Business of Data Analytics

Your business produces massive amounts of data each day, hour, and second. All of that big data can offer your business helpful insights, but only if you utilize it through data analytics. With big data analytics, your business can monitor everything from system behaviors to machine sensors to mobile devices.

The data your business produces in combination with evolving visualization software and statistical modeling will change the way you process information. Analytical technology will vastly improve office productivity by giving your computer network the ability to truly leverage all of its resources.

Big data analytics will help your business make better decisions and improve everything from marketing to customer interaction, which is why it’s a trend to watch.

The New Teleconference

The idea of telephone-based conferences has evolved by leaps and bounds to become what is known in the business world as a tele-presence. With a number of businesses expanding beyond one office or one city, teleconferencing is a major business technology trend that’s worth following.

Thanks to faster processor speeds and scalable bandwidths, your business can teleconference in HD video from multiple office locations. It’s all made possible with built-in camera technology designed for laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Likewise, teleconference interfaces like Skype and Google Hangouts are also helping to bridge the long-distance gap.

Mobility Agility


Image via Flickr by David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliot

If your office space is filled with desktop relics of the past and confining cubicles, then it’s time to adopt a mobile mindset. In terms of game-changing technology, tablets and smartphones like the simple and smart LG G3 are changing the way office employees view the office.

More and more businesses are catching on to the mobile trend by implementing smartphone business applications and allowing their employees to bring their own devices to work. Not only do mobile devices create a more versatile, on-the-go workplace, they also allow your employees to take their offices with them wherever they go. This means you can finally kiss those cubicles and desktops goodbye.

The only conceivable downfall to more wireless devices is a potentially higher bandwidth requirement. This also means that you will be charged significantly less during months that you happen to use less bandwidth, which is a win-win situation for business owners. Services like this treat businesses far more fairly than others, so there is no reason not to switch over to an average usage bandwidth billing plan.

Business Security

With even some of the largest corporations in the world falling victim to cyber attacks and security breaches, it’s more important than ever for your business to put online security first. A popular trend that will help your business safely grow is conducting threat assessments on both internal and external hardware and software.

Threat assessments are the first step to putting a stop to cyber crime in your business. Online security tools like anti-viral software and hacker-monitoring software give your business ongoing protection in an increasingly dangerous digital world. Monitoring tools can track outside threats as well as internal threats from employees and suppliers.

Stopping hackers from breaching your system takes diligence and awareness, which is why it’s crucial that all of your employees keep their login and other information private.

The Cloud and Virtual Collaboration

Sure, your in-house network lets you collaborate with your colleagues across the hall, but what about remote collaboration? Chances are your business is taking a mobile approach to its work practices, which is exactly where the cloud and virtual collaboration come into play.

With cloud computing, your employees can stay on the same page with documents and system updates whether they’re one door over or across the country. Likewise, the cloud also allows your business to develop and collaborate on projects in an anywhere platform, which vastly improves productivity.

Cloud computing isn’t a new concept, but it’s evolving everyday and quickly becoming an asset for global businesses (and small businesses too).

By keeping trending tech advancements in sight, your business will continue to grow and prosper.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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