Best Ways to Avoid Injury During Workouts and Sports

Workouts and Sports 

Workouts and sports can be highly productive for physical and mental health, but only if done correctly. Put in the effort, take care of your body, and you’ll never feel better than when you’re making progress at your sport or workout. This blog post will give you the low-down on how to avoid injury and stay at your peak performance level while working out or playing sports.

Common causes of injuries

1. Unsafe practices

When the body isn’t acclimated to the positions it is being put in, you may be injured. When you strengthen and practice positions repeatedly with a safe, correct form, your body will become more accustomed to those movements, thus reducing the risk of injury.

2. Poor equipment

When equipment fails, it can lead to severe injuries. If a barbell breaks while being used for squats or bench presses, or if a football or basketball suddenly rips while you’re playing on it, you can be seriously injured.

3. Bad weather

Bad weather can be dangerous if it is too cold, windy, or wet for you to perform your workout safely. If it is too cold for you to sweat out toxins, then your brain and muscles will not be able to perform at full capacity or remain healthy during and after your workout or sports performance.

4. Lack of warm-up or cool down for your muscles

Let your muscle tissue warm-up and get used to the movements they must perform before engaging in those movements. Stretch, jog, and perform light cardio before a workout or sports performance.

5. Unfamiliarity with your equipment

If you are new to a particular piece of equipment, it is important to become comfortable with the machine before working out or playing on it.

6. Being too tired

If you are too tired from a night of drinking, partying, or other activities, the risk of injury is heightened. It is very easy to injure yourself when you are too tired to perform your workout properly. Some other signs that you may be too tired include having a headache, feeling nauseated, or trembling.

7. Not getting enough sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, it will be difficult to concentrate and perform your workout or sport in the correct form. Not getting enough sleep may cause you to become confused or irritable during or after your workouts and sports, leading to injury.

8. Your Exercise Environment

Sadly, your environment can play a significant role in sustaining an injury. From scattered weights and slippery surfaces in the gym, to bumpy paths and careless motorists on the road. In fact, there were 332 bicycle accidents resulting in death or serious injury between 2016 and 2020 in Spokane, WA alone. Imagine the countless number of injuries sustained nationwide in the same window. 

And that doesn’t even account for non-bicycle workout incidents. Consider all of the injuries occurring due to the surrounding area. The next time you exercise, be aware of your environment and inspect it prior to working out to avoid injury. 

Common workout/sports injuries

1. Lower back pain

Lower back pain can occur from sitting too long or from exercises that require bending at the waist, hips, or neck. It can also result from poor posture, which leads to curvature of the lower spine.

2. Hip pain

Hip pain can be caused by a muscle injury, joint damage, a blood clot, or arthritis. It is more common in women than men and typically occurs in the inner thigh.

3. Knee pain

Knee pain occurs when you over-stretch the knee cap or muscle surrounding the joint. Over-stretching can be caused by doing exercises incorrectly and causing micro-tears in the muscles and ligaments surrounding your joints.

4. Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain occurs when the muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder are injured. A common cause is lifting weights incorrectly, improper form, or lack of warm-up.

5. Strained back

Strain refers to damage from repetitive movements, overuse, or injury to muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the back. Common causes include sports, heavy lifting, gardening, and carrying heavy objects by your back. 

Best ways to avoid injury during workouts and sports

1. Take time to properly warm up

A proper warm-up takes at least ten minutes and is meant to get your heart rate up and get your muscles ready for the movements they are about to perform. Each muscle group you are about to work out must be stretched individually to avoid injury. After a workout, you need to stretch again due to the micro-tears in the muscles that naturally occur during exercise.

2. Start slowly and increase gradually

If you’re a beginner, don’t push yourself too hard, or you’re likely to get injured. Instead, start your workout slowly and gradually increase the amount of work you do overtime. As you gain strength, move faster or hold positions for longer periods, increase the intensity or amount of weight used.

3. Choose your exercises carefully

Make sure each workout has a purpose. If you are going to be running, make sure you know how to run properly and have the proper equipment for running. If you’re lifting weights, make sure you know which muscles are targeted by each exercise you’re doing and that your form is correct.

4. Cross-train

Cross-train refers to training in different areas. For example, if you use weights for your workout, add some extra cardio to help build up your cardiovascular system. If you are restricting yourself to cardio training only, you may limit the potential physical benefits of exercise and increase the risk of injury due to overuse.

5. Wear proper workout attire

Being properly dressed while working out or playing sports can reduce the risk of injury by keeping you warm, preventing muscle strain, and making you more comfortable. You should also wear shoes that fit your needs properly. 

6. Don’t workout on an empty stomach

You should eat something before or after working out or playing sports to help build up your energy and performance and prevent muscle fatigue. The type of food you choose should be high in protein and low in fat to help your muscles recover better.

7. Rest when tired

If you feel tired or sore, it is best to stop your workout and rest for a while. While working out can help with muscle soreness, too much work can cause more muscle damage, leading to pain and fatigue.

8. Cool down and stretch

After a workout or sports performance, it is essential to cool down your body and loosen muscles for more effortless movement. It is also important to stretch muscles to prevent overuse injuries and soreness.

In conclusion, it is essential to prevent and minimize injury during workouts and sports. Your body is a delicate system of muscles, bones, and ligaments that must be appropriately cared for to avoid injury. If you experience an injury, you must rest adequately to avoid further damage.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.