Being Your Own Boss – Tips for Starting Your Business from Scratch

Starting a business from scratch is a lot of hard work, but no amount of good ideas will make it successful. For that, you need to be willing to listen to people who have been in your shoes plenty of times before you. Their advice is invaluable, and you should pay attention to lesser-known tips like these.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

What’s your excuse for not starting your business right now? Everyone has one. Being your own boss is scary, but it requires addressing your inner excuses to get started. If you’re serious about focusing on your business but keep finding reasons not to get started, address them. Stop letting them pile up. Find the answers to these excuses instead of letting them be door stoppers on your road to success.

Listen to Other Business Owners

Listen to the people around you when they offer both criticism and praise. It can be hard to hear from family that your idea might not be as great as you think it is, but this kind of feedback can help prevent you from making a costly mistake. Write their feedback down and keep notes so you can address it later. This sort of feedback will help you when you’re making a detailed business plan to attract investors. Ask your listeners to be honest with you about your idea and accept any criticism they offer without being offended.

Offer Solutions

When starting your own business, instead of thinking of something to sell, think of a problem you want to solve. You can gain a solid customer base by offering solutions to customers who already need your help. Most service-based businesses are based on that principle. Electricians, plumbers, tree removers, babysitters, and freelance writers all offer a service to their customers. You should be able to answer why people need your solution. Plenty of small business owners start their businesses because they ran into a problem that no one had developed a solution for yet. Keep that in mind when trying to find your target customer.

Keep It Simple, Stupid

The KISS method is your best approach to starting your own business. Don’t let your basic idea snowball into something that you can’t manage. That’s one way that newbie entrepreneurs set themselves up for loss. Keep a narrow focus that will let you test your business idea in the community. You should provide a good or service that is reliable and fulfills promises to customers to help exceed their expectations.  Returning customers are one of the core tenants of keeping a small business running and successful.

Know Your Cost

You should have a sound business plan and know exactly how much it will cost to get started. Every single expense should be calculated so you can determine the true cost of running your own business. Once you have what you think it will cost, take that number and quadruple it for the real cost. There’s no way you can account for everything, so accounting for unexpected costs is your next best friend. Insurance costs are often left out of the equation, even though they’re necessary for any small business. You can find the most affordable life insurance rates by shopping around before committing.

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