Problems Associated with High Levels of Computer Usage

Problems Associated with High Levels of Computer Usage

Many of us use computers in our daily lives, both for work and leisure. While this usage may be essential, there are some health problems that can arise as a result of extended use. This is why it is important to pay attention to the ways in which you use computers, as well as other screens such as those found on your cellphone, or even a television. Something as simple as taking regular rest breaks can greatly reduce the likelihood of you suffering from these problems.

Issues with the Eyes

Too much time spent on the computer without a break can cause a number of issues. You can read here more about dry eye syndrome, which is one of those risks, alongside eye strain. Severe strain of the eyes can also result in headaches or even nausea. Experts recommend that, for every 20 minutes of computer usage, you look away from the screen for at least 20 seconds. Once you have been in front of the computer for 2 hours, a 20 minute break should also be taken. On top of this, if your optometrist has requested that you do so, you should ensure that you wear any prescription glasses or contact lenses, as these can help to reduce the amount of pressure on your eyes to focus and combat any eye-related shortcomings. 

Back and Shoulder Pain

The way in which you sit can greatly affect your physical health when using a computer. All to often, people tend to slouch forward, which can lead to back and shoulder pain. Over time, this can cause a curve in the spine, and even lead to constant soreness. To reduce the likelihood of this occurring, you need to maintain good posture when seated at your desk. This includes keeping your back straight, not leaning to either side to avoid putting pressure on the hip joints, and walking around every 30 minutes to keep your blood flowing. Paying attention to your posture now can either help to prevent these pains from occurring, or try to reverse some of the damage that you have already done.

Issues Regarding Sleep

Generally, your body uses cues from its light sources to determine whether you should be awake or asleep. Computers and other forms of technology often give out a blue light, which is more likely to keep the mind active for longer due to a disruption in melatonin production. Due to this, many people who use computers later on in the evening often suffer with insomnia, poor sleep, or restlessness. It is vital that you stop using these devices around 2 hours before you go to bed, and keep them away from your sleeping area to avoid temptation.

While computers and other forms of technology can be brilliant pieces of kit to help you work and relax, there are some problems associated with them. By keeping these factors in mind, you can try to limit the damage they could do to your overall wellbeing.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.