7 Ways Your Business Can Utilize the Cloud

Cloud platform

Considering implementing cloud services into your business architecture? If so, you’re in good company. A recent study conducted by Frost & Sullivan found that 80% of companies are interested in increasing their use of cloud managed services. With so many cloud services available today, the options are truly endless. Using the cloud you can do more with less while also saving money!

Here are 7 ways your business can utilize the cloud.

  1. Backing Up Data

As a company, you know the importance of ensuring data is not only protected, but also that it’s properly stored and backed up in the event of equipment failure. In the past, companies purchased servers to house and backup data which lead to increased costs and less physical space.

Thanks to cloud services, businesses can now back up their data without requiring physical hardware. Using the cloud not only makes the process much easier through automatic updates and backups, you also have control over what data is copied and when.

  1. Communications

These days you’ll find there are cloud services that offer business VOIP for business. With a cloud-based phone system, you’re able to increase efficiency by integrating the communication system with everyday applications. A fully-integrated communications system enables greater connection both in and outside of the office.

Using a cloud-based phone system also boosts productivity, allowing you to integrate email, CRM tools, and videoconferencing into one solid system.

You also have greater control over how you communicate internally and with customers. You can use a desk phone, smartphone, and even video-based communications for all of your business needs.

  1. Easy Information Sharing

Information sharing is a crucial part of conducting everyday business. No matter if you have a small in-house staff or a network of employees that’s spread across the globe, using the cloud for file storage and information sharing makes these processes effortless. Once your data is stored in the cloud, it can be accessed by authorized users from anywhere.

In turn, you no longer have to worry about faxing files or emailing large spreadsheets that clog up inboxes. Thanks to the cloud information sharing is no longer unmanageable.

  1. Growth Management

Cloud services and resources are well-liked for being extremely scalable. No matter if you need increased file storage or a place to house large documents, you no longer have to worry about the stress that comes with busy periods and peak season.

Instead, you can embrace the elasticity of cloud services and react to needs as they arise, versus having to spend time predicting what your business cycles will look like. You can even look into generating leads with your website by tracking your analytics. This will help you get data that opens the door of what is working for your company online, and what could use some help.

  1. Mobile Workplace

The face of offices is continuously changing. While we went from cubicles to open environments, times have also changed in that the need for mobile working is more important now than ever before. One of the greatest benefits of cloud services is that you can create mobile offices that work and act as if you’re physically at your desk!

With a mobile workplace you can allow employees to work from home or wherever they may be located. Using the right cloud services, employees can access email, important files, and other company information from home or during vacation!

Offering mobile workplace can boost productivity while also lowering costs. Imagine the money you can save if you don’t need to account for more physical space when hiring new employees. You can keep it all secure too with WordPress security plugins for your site.

  1. Improve Collaboration

We live in a world where remote work is widely embraced, especially among younger employees. The age of sitting in an office cubicle is slowly becoming a thing of the past! By implementing cloud-based programs and services, you give employees the option to use any connected device to complete their tasks.

This is not only convenient, these cloud services help to improve collaboration. Employees, no matter where they’re located, can work on documents together, create marketing graphics, and even hold meetings, all without having to download software.

  1. Greater Reliability

When compared to on-premise IT servers and other types of hardware, cloud services are much more reliable. Servers and computers begin to age over time, increasing the risk of failure that could lead to data loss.

But by using cloud services, you no longer have to worry about maintaining physical servers. Instead, you’ll receive IT support from a dedicated and experienced staff that’s offered by the service provider. This allows you to focus on other business management tasks.


Companies of all types can benefit from using cloud services. From safer and more reliable data backups to sharing information internally and with clients, the benefits of cloud services are truly endless. To make your business more productive and efficient, be sure to consider these 7 options for taking your business into the cloud.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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