7 Tips for Starting an Online Dating Service

Our world is more connected now than it ever has been before. One tap on your favorite social media platform will demonstrate this – we can stay connected over thousands of miles and even meet new people across the globe. Dating has never been this involved before, and some folks struggle with the swiping business.

Online Dating

If you have always been good at playing Cupid, this is where you will come in because the next logical step is starting your online dating service. There are several necessary steps that you will need to take to successfully monetize your match-making mind.

This article will highlight seven tips for helping you to start an online dating service.

Choose a Niche

Niches help to narrow your focus and create a pinpointed target group. These are great for when you don’t want to start a massively general dating service. For example, you could help single-parents connect – they will have similar schedules and time constraints, and they will be more understanding of each other.

Tapping into a niche market will help you succeed because you won’t have to go against dating service industry giants like Tinder.

Create Your Business Model

You’ll have to think creatively for this one – because you’re just starting, you’ll need to build up a good reputation within your target market. If you’re going to charge a monthly fee, then you should consider offering a one-month free trial – just to get users hooked.

 Your chosen business model will attract different audiences, so you’ll need to keep reviewing this in the future. A good option to try, once the free trial period is over, is offering free membership to those who attract the most matches.

You could offer a blind date dating service, that way no one will feel judged or discriminated against based on their looks.

Choose the Right Name

The name you choose for your dating service should be clear and simple. You need to sum up the service you offer in as few words as possible. You must pick a name that is easy to remember and simple to pronounce. If you don’t, you will risk not attracting a big enough audience.

The name of your dating service will play a vital role in its growth and public perception, which means it can make or break your business. Choose wisely.

Secure Your Site

Even though your dating service will run online, you will probably still be required to register it. Ensure that you obtain the necessary permits to keep your match-making business running smoothly.

You should also consult professionals when it comes to designing your client onboarding process, this is vitally important for implementing a secure age verification measure. That will help you to avoid legal battles down the line.

Attract Clients

Once you’ve nailed down the technological and legal aspects, you can move on to the fun stuff – attracting clients! Older clients prefer dating websites and younger ones prefer apps.

Social media is the best place to find hopeful singles; there are large communities within it that are dedicated to all things dating. Your website or app (or both) needs to be well-designed and thoughtful. You want your clients to feel safe and unique.

Request Feedback

Once your new baby-making baby is up and running, don’t think that your job is complete. You now need to focus on the customer service side of your business. If your users don’t feel like they are getting value for money, or they don’t feel heard when they encounter glitches, they will drop you like a hot potato.

Request regular feedback and suggestions from your database of clients – they will be more than happy to tell you what they want.

Fix Issues

Receiving feedback is entirely useless unless you use it constructively. Tech users have very little patience compared to their less technologically inclined counterparts. Never feel like an issue is too small to fix- – if it bugs your user, then it needs to be addressed.

Hold regular meetings with your tech department to go through the data and create ways to fix the problems. In the niche-dating industry, your clients are looking for great relationships with each other. You must make that happen.

Run regular tests on your processes to check if they need tweaks or changes – the only way to be successful in business these days is to be adaptive and dynamic.

Good luck and have fun finding people their soul mates!

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.