3 Tips For Young Professionals Hoping to Immigrate to Canada

For many young professionals across the globe, immigrating to Canada represents an incredible opportunity to move forward in one’s career and life in ways that wouldn’t be possible in their home country. While working with a prominent immigration lawyer in Montreal can go a long way in helping turn this dream into reality, those hoping to settle in a new country will better help themselves by undertaking some key preparations first.

1.    Get a Job Offer

One of the best things you can do to expedite the immigration process is to get a job offer from a Canadian-based company that requires relocation. The Canadian government uses a points-based system to process immigration applications and attempting to enter the country as a skilled citizen will go a long way in speeding up your application.

For example, someone trying to enter the country as a self-employed worker may have to wait up to 95 months to have their application processed. On the other hand, those entering the country as skilled workers (particularly those who have obtained a job offer) only have to wait an average of six to 12 months. If you want to immigrate, start filling out job applications!

2.    Develop Your Language Skills

The ability to speak Canada’s official languages can also improve your chances of getting approved and having your application processed quickly. Be mindful of the primary language of the province you hope to immigrate to — while English and French are both official languages in the country, the two are not equally dominant across all provinces. Take time to improve your skills in the language you’ll need to speak on a daily basis.

3.    Save Money

Immigrating to a new country isn’t cheap. Application fees, work permits, and other documents can cost several hundred dollars for each person attempting to immigrate. You’ll also need to consider the costs of transporting your property to Canada (though companies that are relocating you for work reasons will often assist with these expenses).

Needless to say, moving to a new country isn’t something you should do when your bank account is empty—even if you are immigrating with the promise of better employment. You’ll need to consistently save money in advance to ensure that you’ll have enough to cover your moving expenses.

Parting Thoughts

Immigration isn’t always easy, and the process can often take much longer than you’d like. But as you go through the necessary steps to increase your odds for immigration approval, you’ll be able to set yourself up for lasting success in both your personal and professional life.

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