Archives for April 2020

How Debt Can Harm You

One of the most remarkable aspects of human existence is how so many otherwise wonderful things can be weaponized.  Fire keeps us warm, cooks our food and powers transportation devices. Gunpowder was originally used to make fireworks. Nuclear power was first looked upon as an alternate source of energy. And, debt came into existence to […]

What you need to know about HR Managers and HR generalists

If you are running an organization and on the verge of significant growth, you need to make the right decisions for that to happen correctly. Just about every company today has a functional Human Resources (HR) department in place. Since you have new hires coming in at an ever-increasing rate, it becomes imperative to have […]

5 Ways to Prevent Slips Trips and falls in your Business Premises

As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. From your finances to your stock, business contracts, maintaining your company website and your social media presence, marketing, recruitment, paying everyone their wage and all the while, selling your products and services and building a name for yourself and your business. Phew. Another responsibility that […]

Difference between Electrical Distributors and Marketers

Distribute and market, market and distribute. Did you know that many people are still not very clear on the difference between a distributor and a marketer of electrical energy? Often, these concepts can cause confusion if we do not know exactly what each one refers to. But we do not want this to happen, so […]

What’s behind the recent Amazon DSP Growth?

Amazon Advertising has swiftly grown to become arguably the leading digital marketing platform globally. It is the go-to choice for a wide variety of retail and eCommerce brands across varying sectors, thanks to both the scope of the audience and depth of targeting options available. The wealth of data on hand to aid in comprehensive […]