Which Online Services are Most Likely to Influence a Purchase?

As a brand and a business, you need to know where to place and advertise your products so they get as much exposure as possible. In turn, this will hopefully generate some healthy sales figures and revenue for you. The internet is a vast place and you need to know where exposure should be brought to your products that could be used to drive engagement.


Both your own eCommerce site and third-party retail sites are brilliant places you can use to influence the purchase of your product. Of course, both of these are also point of sales, but there are other ways that you can influence purchase here.

One key part of this can often lie in the reviews of your products. Most third-party retail sites will have some sort of review widget, and you should ensure that your own eCommerce site has one too. This allows potential customers to gain some insight into what previous purchasers have thought about the product, and it will allow them to make an informed decision as to whether or not this will be the right choice for them as a consumer.


Another great option for influencing purchasers is through blogs. There are two types of articles that you could achieve with blogger outreach, and both should be a key part of your strategy here. The first are link-building articles. These will mention your brand in some way and will contain a link to your website. For example, you could have your product listed amongst others in an article about gift-buying. Should it interest someone browsing the blog, they might be inspired to click through and make a purchase.

The other style of blog you could look into is with paid promotion. Send your product to the blogger in exchange for a review. They can provide their honest thoughts, and this might translate into sales for you.

Social Media

Finally, you need to consider the power of social media. Millions of people check their social media every day, and there is the potential there for them to scroll past your brand and be tempted to make a purchase. You could work with influencers, similar to providing products to bloggers, but you could also set up paid adverts.

These are cheaper than you might expect, and could provide you some fantastic reach for just a small price. Many social media platforms also allow brands to connect a shop, so purchases can now be made directly from the ad. Making this connection will allow you to simplify the purchasing process for your customers, potentially resulting in more sales.

These are just three of the services that you could turn to if you want to encourage your influence over customers when it comes to making purchases. Providing credibility for your brand through reviews and simplifying the buying process should always make things that bit easier to manage. Make some changes to your operations today!

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.