Simple Time Management Hacks for College Students

A man keeping his hand on a small clock on the table.

Some challenges new university students face are adjusting to the college routine and managing time on campus. As it turns out, time management is critical to students’ academic, professional, and social success. Between juggling academics, work, assignments, and social obligations, students find it hard to remain healthy and active. This article shares a few hacks on how to navigate busy college life.

Set and Work Towards Clear Goals

Most students in their first year of university education get shocked by the unstructured approach to college life. Unlike in high school, where there was always someone to provide reminders about classes, assignments, and projects, a college education is much more self-driven.

With considerable freedom comes the temptation to put off working on things. As a result, most students struggle to meet deadlines. What goals do you wish to accomplish? Establish your targets and work diligently towards them.

Goal setting keeps you motivated and offers the structure you need to thrive. Setting goals also allows you to identify and eliminate time-wasters. If required, order custom do my essay support online.

Review Your Time Use

An integral element of effective time management is taking stock of your habits and noting how you presently use your time. Understand that success with any goal you set, whether family, academics, or career, will depend on how well you manage your time according to your priorities.

You must review how effectively you use your time to attain your goals. This includes examining your days to recognize time wasters. Understand the universal challenge of time, which states that there is always more work than time.

By reviewing how we already spend our days, we can identify areas that can be improved. Remember, how you spend your time ultimately defines who you are and determines what you can accomplish. So if you want someone to work on your assignments, check out websites like

Record Your Deadlines

One challenging element of college is deadlines. While students have the freedom to choose when to start working on projects, each task will have a due date. Since students tend to have more than one project competing for their attention at any given time, tracking deadlines is critical.

You need to note when each task is due and prioritize work based on its deadline. A calendar or spreadsheet can help you organize and track your due dates.

Start With Slighter Chores

 Sometimes, students struggle with tasks because of the lack of motivation in the face of large and seemingly complex tasks. To avoid procrastinating, approach assignments by tackling the seemingly smaller tasks first. If there are seemingly complex tasks you don’t know how to tackle, consider breaking them down into smaller and more manageable chunks.

 To make work easier, place smaller tasks at the top of your list to start each day before moving to more complex activities. Finishing these more straightforward tasks will give you some sense of accomplishment. Read this article on Top Essay Writers for All Academic Levels: High School College and Ph.D. to discover more on how you can get on assignments.

Create and Follow a Schedule  

The ultimate goal of having a schedule in college is to maximize the probability that you will finalize whatever you need to do early. In addition, evidence shows that students who create and follow plans can avoid the many distractions in today’s learning environment. When creating your schedule, start by listing the courses you will be taking and allocate sufficient time for revising and doing assignments.

You will need to review your goals and commitments, prioritize them, and create a list to guide your schedule. Create a weekly checklist, juggling between work, academics, and extracurriculars. You can schedule preview and review times before and after classes to allow you to go through concepts taught during lectures. 

Limit Distractions and Avoid Procrastination

We live in a world filled with distractions and where the temptation to multitask is ever-present. Even with a good study plan, there is always the risk that you may not achieve goals because of distractions. Many students assume they can multitask, but research disagrees.

Evidence shows that human beings are incapable of doing two things concurrently. What we call multitasking is switching rapidly between tasks.

So, if you have the habit of checking your phone or going on Facebook when working on assignments, know that such distractions could diminish your productivity. Examine your study habits and eliminate distractions. Most importantly, make a note to avoid multitasking, only working on one task at a time.   

Effective time management means following a routine and avoiding multitasking. To get the most work done quickly, use a checklist and prioritize urgent tasks. Schedule breaks and use them wisely. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have more work than you can handle.


Eric Ward – Working full-time as a Senior Marketing Manager for one of the biggest IT companies in the US, I also enjoy helping college students with their homework. Work with me if you need help with an essay, case study, or a term paper. I have an MBA degree and I’m fully committed to helping you with any pending Marketing or Management assignment.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.