Road Safety: Promoting Safer Practices and Reducing the Impact of Traffic Collisions 

Road accidents are still a fairly common occurrence, and there are many reasons why they still occur. However, since their effects are nothing short of devastating, it makes sense that the general public and the responsible authorities have much to discuss regarding how road safety could be improved. The truth is that every injury or death that occurs on the road is entirely preventable. Yet, each day nearly ninety people are severely injured, and five lose their lives as a result of a traffic accident in the United Kingdom, according to statistics. That means that roughly every quarter of an hour, someone is wounded or killed on UK roads. 

These worrying stats show that there’s an urgent need for better rules and regulations to promote road safety and ensure that everybody is secure, both drivers and pedestrians. 

The right attitude 

Many driving accidents are not the result of inadequate skills but rather of an improper attitude. When you’re behind the wheel, you must always aim to remain calm and keep your composure. If you’re the kind of person that tends to lose their temper quickly, you must find ways to keep yourself in check so that you don’t cause any inconvenience for yourself or other people on the road. Remember that you’re in control of a few thousand pounds of metal and, as such, have a responsibility to other drivers and passengers in the car simultaneously. 

If you are involved in an accident, however, and believe that it wasn’t your fault, you can contact to get in touch with a solicitor specialised in solving this type of case. You’ll be able to receive the maximum amount of compensation stipulated by the law based on the particularities of your case. 

Limit night driving 

The risk of serious, possibly fatal car crashes is nearly three times higher during the night time. You should avoid driving during the night as much as possible. While sometimes it cannot be avoided, you should always elect to go during the daytime if that’s an option. Even if your eyesight is perfect, your vision field is still limited to around 150 metres, even with your high-beam headlights on. For standard headlights, visibility is restricted even further to about 75m. 

If you absolutely have to drive at night, for instance, if you work in a different city and it’s already dark by the time you leave the office, make sure to keep your headlights perfectly clean at all times and ensure they’re aiming correctly. Look away from any oncoming lights and clean the windshields regularly. It’s also a good idea to slow down and limit the speed in order to make up for the limited visibility and reduced stopping time. 

Poor weather 

Ideally, you’d always drive when it’s sunny and pleasant outside, but that’s impossible. You still have to work and run errands even when it’s pouring or windy outside. However, adverse weather conditions can be challenging to navigate as a driver and might become downright hazardous depending on the intensity of the elements. Naturally, if the weather is terrible and there’s a storm raging outside, you won’t go out under any circumstances since you’re much safer inside. 

However, you should still get some training in driving during the rain or snow. If you’re a beginner, you might first want to do this if there’s someone there to supervise the process. This can help you feel more confident as you have the benefit of not being alone if something goes wrong. Keep it simple initially and avoid the city’s very crowded areas. Then, as your skills progress, you can try out your skills on the highway and in the busiest parts of town. 

Don’t use your phone 

It is one of the worst habits someone could have, one that puts you in a considerable amount of danger, yet nevertheless, a habit you’ve probably noticed quite a lot. Using your smartphone when driving is a hazardous habit because it causes you to lose your focus and ignore your driving. You might think that you can do both at the same time, but this is nothing more than an impression. Multitasking never works as well as you hope, and it’s very easy to lose sight of how you should do things and perform things only halfway. 

However, while this is only mildly annoying in other circumstances, when you’re behind the wheel, it can put both your life and that of others in grave danger. If you receive a phone call or an urgent message, you should pull over before answering or typing your reply. Just because you shouldn’t text and drive doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your phone with you when you’re in the car. In fact, you must ensure that your smartphone is always charged and nearby in case of an emergency situation. 

A safe vehicle 

It’s imperative to drive a car that’s in good working order. If your vehicle is experiencing any trouble, don’t drive until the problem has been solved by a professional. Even if it seems like nothing more than a minor hiccup, you don’t want to experience a severe issue, such as your car stopping abruptly in the middle of the highway. You can search for the consumer report literature and statistics associated with your vehicle in order to evaluate the safety of your car accurately. And, of course, don’t forget to take it to regular check-ups with a professional to determine if anything needs to be repaired. 

To sum up, driving isn’t a fundamentally dangerous endeavour if basic safety rules are followed closely. Whether you drive alone or there are passengers in the back, remember to always wear your seatbelt and maintain your calm. And, of course, never forget the most basic rule of never driving under the influence, as it dulls your reflexes, making you a legitimate road hazard. If you follow all these rules, you stand a much better chance of being safe and sound on the road and ensuring others are safe as well. 

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.