How To Perform Cross-Device Appium Automation Testing

In the present time of digital technology, people are using many different types of devices with diverse browsers and versions. It has become important to have applications that run smoothly across all such platforms to ensure user experience. To address this, cross-device app testing is the solution to ensure the working of the applications on different devices. To perform this test, Appium is one of the most used open-source mobile automation frameworks for cross-device testing. Appium can automate the testing of mobile applications on an expansive range of devices, including iOS and Android. However, performing cross-device testing utilizing Appium can be intricate and time-consuming, demanding in-depth knowledge of the framework and the ability to work with multiple devices.

This blog will provide an in-depth guide on how to perform cross-device Appium automation testing. But before that, let us have a brief understanding of the Appium framework.

Let us go.

What is Appium?


Appium is an open-source, cross-device automation testing framework widely utilized for mobile application testing. The framework offers flexibility and scalability, making mobile application testing much more efficient. Appium authorizes testers to write test scripts on multiple platforms, like iOS, Windows, and Android, utilizing the same API. Also, with the help of Appium, the Quality Assurance teams can write test scripts in diverse programming languages, such as JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and C#.

Appium utilizes Node.js to operate as an HTTP server. The framework supports simulators and emulators. Appium handles HTTP requests originating from various Selenium client libraries in a platform-dependent manner. The best thing about this framework is that it authorizes the testers to test scripts in any of the languages supported by Selenium utilizing WebDriver API.

Appium is a software tool that effectively translates Selenium Webdriver commands into UIAutomation (for iOS) or UIAutomator (for Android) commands. This feature facilitates Appium to function seamlessly on any mobile operating system. Utilizing the WebDriver JSON Wire protocol, automation scripts can be executed on real iOS and Android devices. When conducting a quality assurance test for an Android app, Appium utilizes the UI Automator library for seamless automation. On the other hand, Appium directs commands to a UIAutomation script in instruments when testing iOS apps.

How To Perform Cross-Device Appium Automation Testing

Appium facilitates automated interaction with mobile apps by leveraging the UI behavior of their components, such as text boxes, buttons, and links. This authorizes the efficient reuse of tests documented for mobile application testing, which can be executed repeatedly. Here are a few best practices for successful cross-device testing with Appium:

Understand Target Devices

To execute thriving cross-device testing, it is vital to have a comprehensive understanding of the target devices. This comprises comprehending their specifications, screen resolutions, operating systems, and other appropriate details. By prioritizing the popular and relevant devices, developers and testers can focus their endeavors on platforms that retain the highest user base and effectiveness.

Assembling details regarding the target devices can be accomplished through user analytics and market research. By scrutinizing data related to device use patterns, user preferences, and market trends, testers, and developers can specify the devices that ought more attention during the testing procedure. This data enables them to prioritize their testing endeavors and distribute resources effectively.

Selecting the Right Appium Version

Selecting the suited version of Appium is vital while performing cross-device Appium automation testing. Appium is continually updated to fix bugs and introduce new features. It is vital to select the suited version of Appium to guarantee that the automation scripts run smoothly across all devices.

Before selecting a version, it is paramount to check the compatibility of the version with the operating system and browser version of the device under test. Correspondingly, it is urged to choose the latest stable version of Appium to take benefit of the latest features and advancements. It is also paramount to note that some versions of Appium may not be compatible with specific programming languages or frameworks. So it is crucial to guarantee compatibility with all the relevant tools and technologies employed in the automation testing process.

Plan and Define Test Scenarios

The most influential step in cross-device testing is planning and defining test scenarios. It is imperative to ensure comprehensive coverage by testing all critical functionalities and user interactions through well-planned test scenarios. It is paramount to develop test scenarios that contemplate real-world usage practices across different devices. Through this process, testers can effectively detect potential issues and assure the seamless performance of the application across diverse platforms.

As an example, typical test scenarios may implicate procedures for user authentication, UI interactions, and form filling. These scenarios ought to be designed to cover a range of device capabilities, including different screen sizes, operating system versions, and input methods. By considering the distinct features of various devices, testers can construct scenarios that thoroughly assess the compatibility of the application. Also, by creating comprehensive test procedures and leveraging Appium’s capabilities, developers and testers can guarantee that their apps are thoroughly tested across various devices, enhancing application compatibility and end-user satisfaction.

Implement Robust Automation Testing

Automation testing plays a vital role in cross-device testing. It facilitates testers and developers to increase coverage, streamline the testing process, and enhance efficiency. Appium, an open-source automation framework, is a robust framework for automating tests across numerous devices. It supports an expansive range of platforms and furnishes a harmonious approach to automation testing.

The cross-platform testing capabilities of Appium authorize testers and developers to write test scripts utilizing a single codebase. This can be performed across myriad devices and operating systems. The single codebase test script eradicates the need to write separate test scripts for each device, saving lots of time and endeavor. Testers can utilize the wide range of features provided by Appium, which includes support for multiple programming languages and built-in automation libraries, to develop highly scalable and efficiently maintainable test scripts.

To guarantee the scalability and maintainability of test scripts, testers should adhere to best practices. These include modularizing test code, using appropriate naming conventions, and implementing page object patterns. By following these guidelines, testers can enhance the quality and efficiency of their testing efforts, eventually leading to more reliable and robust software applications.

Use Device Cloud Services

Device cloud services have evolved as invaluable in the realm of cross-device testing. Cloud testing platforms, such as LambdaTest, deliver extensive device libraries and extensive testing capabilities. It eradicates the need for testers to have physical devices. This is because LambdaTest furnishes access to many real devices hosted in the cloud. It is a digital experience testing platform that integrates with Appium and allows real device testing in 3000+ devices, browsers, and OS combinations.

Using LambdaTest, developers, and testers can guarantee comprehensive compatibility testing across various operating systems, hardware configurations, and screen sizes without the outlay of acquiring numerous physical devices. Also, testers can accomplish comprehensive coverage and minimize the chance of compatibility issues with device cloud services. These services often deliver features, such as parallel testing and real-time debugging, further improving the testing approach.

Device cloud services deliver flexibility and scalability, authorizing testers to efficiently scale their testing endeavors based on project necessities. As new devices and updates continue to be released, testers can access other devices as necessary to ensure that their testing process remains flexible and adaptable.

Leverage Parallel Testing

Parallel testing is a process that facilitates testers to conduct tests concurrently across numerous devices. This technique offers considerable advantages in terms of saving time and enhancing efficiency. Through the utilization of Appium’s parallel testing capabilities, testers can optimize their cross-device testing procedures.

Parallel testing entails creating a test grid comprising several devices and running test scripts concurrently on these devices. This authorizes testers to execute myriad tests in a more brief timeframe, diminishing the overall testing cycle. Furthermore, parallel testing can discover device-specific problems more effectively. This is because tests are performed simultaneously across various platforms, facilitating testers to determine compatibility issues specific to particular devices.

When establishing a parallel testing environment, testers should consider crucial factors such as test distribution, device selection, and test result synchronization. Testers can utilize advanced tools such as Selenium Grid or cloud-based solutions offered by device cloud platforms to proficiently manage their test grid and streamline the distribution of tests across multiple devices. It is advised that testers evaluate approaches for conducting test execution, including distributing the workload evenly among devices and prioritizing essential tests to achieve maximum efficiency.


Appium is the best mobile testing solution for speedy and steadfast testing across myriad platforms and devices. The framework provides flexibility, feasibility, and cost-friendliness for furnishing optimal end-user experiences in the continuous delivery approach.

Executing cross-device Appium automation testing is a vital aspect of guaranteeing the quality and performance of your mobile applications. Integrating the above-stated practices into the cross-device testing process empowers testers to provide a steadfast and constant end-user experience across different devices. This enhances customer satisfaction and contributes to the success of the application.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.