Create a Vision For Your Company Using These Simple Steps

company vision

Many companies have poignant vision statements that speak directly to their organizational culture, what they take pride in, and their goals for the future. When the time comes to create a unique and powerful vision statement, carefully curated data is essential, and these simple steps help speed up the process.

What Is a Vision Statement?

So, what is a vision statement? Vision statements deal with the present and help pinpoint why a company exists. Vision statements also play a pivotal role in letting everyone know how the company serves the members of that business and the surrounding community.

Not every business will have a mission statement, but creating a vision for your organization is an excellent way to increase business success and create more structure.

Vision vs. Mission Statements

Vision statements differ from mission statements in a few ways and play different roles: 

  • A vision statement details what the company’s future holds, while a mission statement dictates the purpose of the company brand.
  • Visions serve as the method for how a mission statement gets fulfilled and notes where the company is now and what niche they fill. 

Both types of statements serve as fundamental components that make up the foundation of your organization but creating a vision with thoughtful and meaningful data offers better guidance long-term.

How to Create a Powerful Vision Statement

Creating a vision that serves and guides a company well over the years takes a considerable amount of thought and information. Vision statements do not need to be overly long or complicated, but using data related to company strengths or values makes it useful.

Select a Single Topic

Before collecting data or starting any other part of creating a vision statement, it is essential to select a more narrow topic to anchor the vision, such as the impact on clients or the industry in general. 

Another option is to examine the business culture and related goals that employees will dedicate their time towards in various ways. 

Start Asking Questions

Consider the timeframe of the company vision and ask how far out the organization should look. Focus on future achievements instead of present issues as this increases the chances of success.

Does the organization have an exceptional team that can overcome anything? Does the quality of the product improve steadily over time? Focus on assets and strong points present in the organization and find ways to connect how they aid the journey towards future goals.

Craft the First Draft

Avoid agonizing over the fine details of the data collected and jump right into crafting a rough draft. Don’t be afraid to write from the heart, get personal, and choose wording that conveys greatness or controversy, as not every vision statement is agreeable.

At this stage, it’s best to move quickly and if issues arise when getting started, consider pretending the organization has already achieved its future goals and work backward to the present.

Review and Revise

Once a solid first draft is in place, it’s time to review the key components present and examine whether the statement is inspiring or anxiety-inducing. 

Generally, more detail is better than less, and using actual figures or quantified information more clearly defines what success means to the organization.

Share and Celebrate

Once a few drafts have undergone careful examination and the language is just right, the time has come to share the vision statement with those who will use it and celebrate this new chapter.

Let Your Vision Be Your Guide

Creating a vision statement helps an organization find their way towards the goals outlined in their mission statement and tells the world who they are and what they’re about as a company. 

This document serves as a long-term guide for employees and decision-makers alike, and the best ones reflect the culture and values of the organization.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.