Beyond the Business Card: 5 Creative Ways to Build Your Network

Networking isn’t easy. In fact, many people have a strong aversion to professional networking. However, a lot of research shows that networking is an important competency that leads to more business opportunities and faster job advancement.

In today’s business market where competition is as fierce as ever, it’s imperative that you stand out from the crowd to build valuable business connections. Fortunately, networking doesn’t need to be daunting or boring.

In this article, we’ll show you 5 creative ways to build your network and grab the right attention for your business.

1.     Stand out with creative business card alternatives

The good old paper business card is practical but overdone.  Nowadays, people are reinventing the business card to create a long-lasting impression when meeting potential business connections.

For example, there are personalised wristbands from Australia where you can custom-print your business details or brand logo. You can also do it to keychains, coasters, bottle openers, fridge magnets, stress balls, USB pens, or any item related to your business. You just need to put your creative juices flowing!

Business card alternatives are certainly a conversation starter and a memorable way to present yourself and your business. Try them out at the next business event you’re joining.

2.   Host your own networking event (and make it fun)

Networking events continue to grow despite the variety of technological ways we can use to connect, and there is a reason for that. They do bring value to people and facilitate professional relationships.

If boring industry events seem like a nightmare to you, then consider hosting your own event. You can start small, inviting friends and colleagues and asking them to bring someone new. Or you can organise something bigger by promoting it online.

There are so many creative ideas you can put into practice to make it a special event. Trivia nights, scavenger hunts, photo booths, and arts & crafts group projects can be fun ice-breaking activities that bring people together and make networking more relaxing and exciting. Even though it takes time and effort, hosting your own networking event can be a great way to meet new people and build meaningful professional relationships

3.    Do personalised videos

Business managers and recruiters are used to receiving dozens of messages on a regular basis. It’s not easy to stand out with a quick message on LinkedIn.

That is why personalization is key when it comes to networking. Everyone loves to feel seen and special. The human-centric approach of sending a personalised video where potential clients, managers or recruiters can see your smile, hear your voice, and sense your personality, is incredibly more impactful than a short DM or email.

Depending on the type of industry you work in, you can do a simple and professional introduction, or you can use some humour and even add graphics. The sky’s the limit. Just remember that videos are a personal and engaging way to efficiently build your network.

4.   Leverage Social Media (beyond LinkedIn)

Digital networking is convenient and offers the opportunity of a global reach. We all know that LinkedIn is the go-to social network to connect professionals, but you shouldn’t underestimate the networking power of other platforms.

Build your social media presence with big players like Facebook, Instagram, X, and Threads, and don’t be shy about trying out TikTok, Twitch, Reddit, and Discord, as well as more recent platforms such as Clubhouse or Mastodon.

In these platforms, you can create engaging content, interact with other users, join industry-specific groups and communities, and ultimately build connections that can propel your business and career. Not every platform will work for you, but make sure to test them out.

5.    Volunteer or Organise a Charity Event

Volunteering is a surprisingly good way to expand your network. Through volunteering, you are not only making a valuable contribution to your community but also building meaningful relationships in an authentic way.

By giving your time and skills to help others, you are getting experience, honing your skills, and having the opportunity to talk with other professionals or even potential clients. You will be remembered and you never know the future opportunities it can bring you.

You can also organise a charity event sponsored by your business. Philanthropy shows that a business doesn’t care only about profit and sales. This is something that resonates well with people and encourages them to get involved. Widening your network will be a natural collateral benefit.

Bottom Line

There are many creative ways to build your network. You don’t need to be stuck to dry networking events and awkward introductions. Take the initiative to create your own events (and you can make them fun), prioritise personalization, and make the best out of social media to build meaningful connections and increase your business opportunities.