Are New Holland Tractors any Good?

A Holland Tractors ploughing on the farm.

New Holland tractors are consistently included on top lists in western countries, especially in the USA. Owners love them mainly because of the price, operating cost, and relatively good reliability. Good reliability, however, isn’t excellent. Still, you can easily get some New Holland manuals online to shorten downtimes in case of an issue.

That said, when owners compare them to other brands they have owned, in terms of reliability, New Holland usually ties with more expensive tractors like the John Deere. Also, at almost 130 years old, few tractor manufacturers are older than New Holland. Even though it changed owners multiple times, such a long history certainly inspires confidence in buyers.

However, anyone in the market for a new tractor will appreciate certain qualities more than others. Even if you compare New Holland to its direct competitors, such as Kubota, you should consider some key differences. So, let’s go into more detail and see how New Holland stacks up against the competition regarding performance, cost, reliability, and owner satisfaction.

New Holland Purchase and Operation Costs

The price of a New Holland tractor is usually lower than the equivalent model of any of its competitors, including Kubota. And often, the price difference is huge. For example, the starting price of a Kubota L6060 is $55,436 without a cab, while a New Holland Boomer 55 gets a cab and starts at only $45,203. That makes the New Holland a bargain, especially considering its sturdier build.

Furthermore, operation-related costs are also significantly lower. New Holland estimates that operating its tractors cost around 1.10$ per working hour. On the other hand, John Deere estimates anywhere from 1.5$ to 3$ depending on the model.

Lastly, considering how simple these tractors are, you can repair and maintain them with nothing more than a New Holland manual, a couple of tools, and a bit of elbow grease. If you stick to the instructions carefully, the quality of your work will be on the same level as dealer repair shops. Consequently, you can expect to bring that 1.10$ per working hour even lower, which is not to neglect when downtimes are directly reflected in profits.

New Holland Reliability

Truth be told, there are more reliable tractors than New Holland’s. However, the reliability rating is more than excellent for the price. Owners rarely report issues, and when they do, it’s often while the tractor is still new — and then still under the manufacturer’s warranty. 

And even in the worst-case scenario, if your tractor is giving you too much trouble, it’s not unheard of that New Holland will repurchase it from you and replace it with a new one. Even though that’s not ideal, it is undoubtedly a prime example of exemplary customer service. Furthermore, New Holland also offers critical breakdown assistance, available 24/7. 

However, if you find yourself in a time-sensitive situation, it’s always good to have a New Holland service manual by your side. The troubleshooting instructions will help you determine the source of any issue in no time and provide the corresponding repair procedure. And since repair manuals from suppliers like eManualOnline usually cost less than a single oil change, they are definitely worth the investment.

New Holland Against the Competition

Although New Holland is cheaper than its competitors, specifications are often slightly less impressive. When comparing models, New Holland tractors are usually a couple of horsepowers short, have a lower engine speed and fuel capacity, etc. That said, you will always get more equipment for your money, just like in the previous example with the cabs.

New Holland also offers an outstanding level of configuration to further lower its price by not forcing you to pay for features you don’t need. Still, if you do need specific features and attachments, New Holland offers up to three hydraulic remotes in the rear. That’s something not even the most expensive brands have as an option.

And while New Holland tractors may lack outright technology, that’s not necessarily bad, as it makes maintenance and repairs easier.

New Holland Owner Reports

Although many will tell you to stay away from New Holland, they rarely have a good reason to back up that statement. Sure, there is an occasional horror story, but we can find horror stories tied to any manufacturer. To get a realistic picture, we also have to consider the positive reports, and plenty of them exist.

For every negative New Holland ownership experience, there are dozens upon dozens of positive ones. The brand is also starting to build a loyal customer base, meaning people are purchasing multiple tractors or replacing old models with new ones. That’s a perfect statement of good customer satisfaction. Even if your tractor encounters an occasional hiccup, New Holland offers an excellent warranty plan.

Meanwhile, if you have a second-hand NH or want to buy one, you can always add a New Holland tractor manual to that purchase for complete peace of mind.

Last Words

Much like horses were 100 years ago, tractors today are essential to any farm. They are also not cheap, so it’s a good idea to do your research when deciding which one to buy. And, with everything said and done, it’s safe to say New Holland makes excellent tractors for the money. The owner reviews are great; they come with a bunch of equipment, are customizable, and are impressively reliable.

They are also one of the cheapest tractors made in the United States and consistently score high in consumer surveys. And if things go south, you can always rely on New Holland manuals to help with preventive maintenance and significantly reduce downtimes.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.