5 Booming Industries Entrepreneurs Should Take Note Of In 2021

The covid-19 pandemic that spanned through late 2019 to 2020 caused a global change in the trend of things; the world became more digital. The lockdown forced a lot of companies into finding digital means of getting work done. The lockdown also gave a lot of people time to engage in things they liked. Some people started businesses, some learned and developed new skills, and some others entered into various other productive activities. These happenings resulted in a lot of industries flourishing.


The Big Boom

Towards the end of 2020 through to this year 2021, the entrepreneurs’ world experienced and is still experiencing a big boom as a lot of people are diving into it. Whilst a lot of people started doing business, a lot of new business opportunities were unveiled. As the world evolved, entrepreneurship evolved, and so did a lot of industries. A lot of other industries gained ground during this period and have continued to thrive.

Be Opened To Change

Most of these thriving industries are very relevant to entrepreneurship and as such, entrepreneurs are advised to take advantage of the relevance of these companies, especially in this post-pandemic period. 2021 is seen to be the post-pandemic era, and it has opened us up to a lot of opportunities that support the growth of businesses. Entrepreneurs are advised to build flexible business structures that accommodate changes that contribute to the growth of their business.

5 Industries Booming In 2021

Here, we will be listing and discussing 5 flourishing industries entrepreneurs are to pay attention to in 2021.

1. Software Development

According to a recent survey, demand for software developers increased by twenty-five percent since after the covid-19 lockdown. Software development involves designing, creating, repair, maintenance of software applications. Developers use programming languages to code data, alongside other skills such as time management, attention to details, mathematical aptitude, problem-solving skills, amongst others that enable them to effectively work. It is the developer that creates mobile and web applications, and designs websites. In today’s world where everything has gone digital, you need the help of these guys to bring your business or company to the limelight as they’ll polish and package your activities to be presentable to the eyes of people.

2. Data science

The need for companies to keep statistics and records of their resources(humans inclusive) and other forms of data scaled very high in 2021. Data science involves the collection, sorting, processing, and interpretation of data. Data science requires basic knowledge of statistics, mathematics, and programming. Most companies now create databases to keep records of information and ensure that they are really accessible. As a data scientist, basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics, calculus, etc is required.

3. Marketing And Sales

Marketing and sales have taken a swift positive turn this time. With the likes of copywriting and social media platforms, putting out what you do for the public to see, making sales has never been as easy as it is currently. Asides from copywriting, other jobs that help to project people’s businesses increased by forty-five percent. Digital marketing is a hot trend in today’s market. The rate of digital marketing, according to survey, increased by thirty-five percent. Different forms of digital marketing include affiliate marketing, search engine optimization(SEO) marketing, email marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, amongst others. Also, the use of graphics in marketing can never be neglected. Graphics first feed the eyes of your audience or customers, and then it feeds their mind; it serves as a hook to bait your customers while the content finally convinces them of the capability of your business.

4. Finance

Finance just like every other industry has taken and is taking a digital turn. Digitization of finance involves integrating technological services into the finance sector for easy use and fast outputs. The post-pandemic era has forced companies into getting financial analysts to critically scrutinize the stance of their finance. Also, software is being developed with tools that assist to carry out financial activities such as calculations, collection of data, and performing other financial activities. According to Client Focused Advisors, finance is one of the biggest industries being impacted by 

5. Artificial Intelligence

The covid-19 pandemic forced a lot of companies into operating a less human production unit. Hence, a lot of companies opted for the use of intelligence machines programmed to perform specific duties. Basic knowledge of programming, linear algebra, statistics, calculus, amongst others gives you an edge in the AI world.


For a business to thrive successfully, it needs the activities of the five industries mentioned above. Integrating them into your business increases the standard of your business and projects it globally. Every entrepreneur should consider the relevance of these companies in the growth of their business. A flexible business structure allows your business to evolve with the trend of the world without losing alignment with the initial goals and focus. As an entrepreneur, do not let the opportunities presented to you by this industries to slide past you.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.