Archives for February 2022

Securing a Home Loan if you are Self-Employed

Are you self-employed and having some difficulties getting approved for a home loan? From a lender’s point of view, a self-employed person presents a higher risk than someone else, but don’t let this stop you. The key to securing a home loan is to be well prepared, and here are our tips on how to […]

Looking into Sponsorships as a Way to Boost Your Business

Sponsorships are among the most storied and trusted marketing tactics. It’s been around for decades, with sponsoring an event or team immediately unlocking exposure to large groups of people and even earning goodwill for the brand. Back in 2011, sponsorships suddenly boomed, making it a $3.4 billion market that continued to grow over the next […]

10 Tips to Living a Sober Life

People who are addicted to a certain substance usually find it hard to stop using the substance. Whether it’s alcohol, drugs or any other substance, they find it difficult to stop, come out and get help. Relapses are quite common for people new to recovery but it’s the step that one takes to avoid it […]

Online Casinos With A Successful Affiliate Program

We can all agree that casinos have a reputation for being generous. That’s especially the case when it comes to affiliates. This great online gambling niche provides some of the best commissions. Online casinos offer high commissions (up to 50%).  Furthermore, this means you can earn more money as long as your referral becomes a […]

16 Innovative Ways Young Families Can Make Their Money Go Further This Year 

Making your money go as far as possible is vital for any young family. The expenses of raising children can be large, so ensuring you make all the right financial decisions can make all the difference in your quality of living. There are many ways to reduce your outgoings and ensure your income stretches as […]