Archives for November 2020

How to Make the Move from a Physical Office to a Virtual Company with Confidence

When COVID-19 hit, companies nationwide found themselves forced to go virtual practically overnight. Some already had work from home policies and infrastructures in place, making the transition a bit less painful. For others, with no existing work from home culture, it was more challenging. Regardless of the situation companies found themselves in, now that the […]

Is implementing Google Cloud training still essential in 2020?

The Google Cloud Platform can be a difficult concept to get to grips with. This is especially true within its target market of small to medium-sized businesses, which are already facing some stiff challenges in 2020.  Quick, ‘sound bite’ summaries like ‘Amazon Web Services plus’ do not explain the concept entirely and do not include […]

$6B in Healthcare Fraud Comes to Light

Late in September, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)  charged 345 people with committing more than $6 billion in healthcare fraud, representing one of the largest healthcare fraud cases the federal agency has ever seen.  Many of the doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals involved were charged with filing false claims to both public and […]

Growing Popularity of Cryptocurrency Trading 2020

2020 has been a game-changing year for many people, companies, and entire industries in Nigeria. The country’s economy was hit hard, as the effects of lockdowns are aggravated by the fall in oil prices. Now, when the world is facing the second wave of infection, the future looks bleak. It is not clear when or […]

5 Best Practices in Accessibility Web Design

Getting several visitors to your website and have them browse through different pages is likely one of your top goals. Utilizing accessibility in web design should help boost the number of people who engage with your content. It makes it easier for individuals with disabilities to consume information on your site. These disabilities might include: […]