Archives for August 2019

3 Fatal Mistakes that Many Startups Make

To launch a successful startup, you need to be relentlessly — or better yet, obsessively — optimistic. But at the same time, you also need to be a down-to-earth pragmatic realist. Otherwise, instead of achieving your vision, you’ll likely find yourself forced to shut down, or maybe even file for bankruptcy. To help you avoid […]

Entrepreneurial Quotes to Motivate You and Your Business

Perhaps ABBA said it best when they sang, “I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay … And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me.” Sure, the realities of personal finance can’t be summed up mid-1970’s disco music, but their hit “Money, […]

Online Services are the Auto Dealer’s New Best Friend

Never before has a dealership website been as important a tool as it is today. The possibilities that are open to auto dealers online seem to be growing at an exponential rate. There also aren’t any signs of this trend slowing down. The reason is that conversational commerce solutions designed specifically for dealerships have been […]

Running a Solid Business as a Yoga Teacher Means Having Good Insurance

Many people dream of having their own business. Imagine having the opportunity to wake up every morning knowing that you can spend your day doing something you truly love to do. In addition, owning your own business means that you are making money for yourself as opposed to working long, tiring hours in order to […]

5 Common Reasons Life Insurance Won’t Pay Out And What To Do About It

Term life insurance is essentially a gamble between the policyholder and the insurance company. If the policyholder outlives the term of their policy, the insurance company wins because they get to keep the insurance premiums and the policyholder gets nothing in return. If the policyholder dies before the policy expires, then the insurance company loses […]