Back in 2009, a little show called Shark Tank came on the scene, and young entrepreneurs everywhere applied to be on it. They applied with the hopes that their little business would turn into a million-dollar company and that it would bring them success for the decades to come.
If you’re a fan of the show or have an entrepreneurial bug in you, you are probably aware of the fact that starting your own business is no small feat. There are hundreds of things that could go wrong, and no matter how long you’ve been working, there are always new things to learn.
However, when it comes to asking people for advice, you might not know who to ask or what books to read.
This is where we come in!
Table of Contents
Here are 20 of the Best Books on Business Strategy:
We’ve put together a list of 20 of the best entrepreneur books of all time.
Let’s get right to it.
1. The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy

It’s no secret that selling yourself is one of the most important, if not the most essential, part of being a successful entrepreneur. If you can’t sell yourself successfully, then nobody will want to buy what you have to sell. Brain Tracy’s book deals with the psychology of selling yourself and your product to consumers. He includes several tips, ideas, strategies, and lots of techniques to help entrepreneurs and salespeople alike better their selling skills.
He stresses the importance of remembering that you need to put into the work to get your desired results and to do this, you need to pay attention to the people you’re selling to. We’ve listed this book as number one because it’s the perfect book for entrepreneurs to read, especially if you’re planning to try and get on Shark Tank!
2. Rework by Jason Fried & David Hansson

Our next pick is Rework, by Jason Fried and David Hansson. We’ve listed it at number two because this book isn’t like every other business-related book. Fried and Hansson get right to the point by showing you how you can succeed in business by following the simple phrase “less is more.” We love this book because it is motivating in a way that doesn’t suck your soul out, it’s easy to read and understand, and is ideal for entrepreneurs searching for some guidance.
3. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

Next up is The $100 Startup. This book is terrific because Guillebeau takes a good look at entrepreneurs who kickstarted their business with fewer funds than some of their more successful peers. Using case studies to support his explanations, Guillebeau takes you through the journey of going from a small startup to a successful and financially stable entrepreneur.
This book is extremely helpful because the interviewees aren’t big names that you’d recognize from the industry but regular folks with ordinary experiences to share with others.
4. Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki

Ladies, this next book is for you! If you’ve been struggling with trying to get your finances and business together, then we’d highly recommend that you read this book. Kim focuses on becoming a better and more successful investor while also showing you that women are wonderful investors! Most importantly, she shares how to get smarter faster in terms of financial IQ. She shares several tips that will help you improve your financial knowledge, especially when living and working in a male-dominated world.
5. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Thinking, Fast and Slow is all about how to succeed and make your way to the top by thinking carefully and using various techniques and strategies to prevent mental roadblocks from taking place. We’re recommending this book to entrepreneurs because Kahneman takes you on a journey through the human mind, showing you the two systems that govern how we think. He talks about trusting your intuition, the benefits and disadvantages of thinking fast, and how impressions affect your behavior and thoughts.
This book is definitely a must-read!
6. My Philosophy for Successful Living by Jim Rohn

Next up on our list is Jim Rohn’s book on living a successful life. Many entrepreneurs choose to start their own businesses with the hopes of working for themselves and living successful lives, which is why we’ve decided to include this book on our list. Rohn’s inspiring words go beyond the world of business and entrepreneurship as they delve into the life and what makes it successful. His words will motivate you to treat others with kindness and respect while also encouraging you to work harder to achieve your goals and dreams.
7. Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life by Spencer Johnson

We included this book for two reasons. One, it has a catchy and engaging title, and two, because it’s a beautiful book for entrepreneurs who want a quick and easy book to read. Johnson’s writing is not your typical self-help, motivational book. Instead of writing long paragraphs about dealing with change, he approaches the subject through four characters who are mice, each of whom has a different personality. He uses said personalities to talk about how business people make decisions that affect their companies and their lives while also sharing how you can work smartly towards your goals.
8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

We’d highly recommend this next book to younger entrepreneurs, especially those of you whose businesses are new. As a young entrepreneur, you don’t have as much experience and financial knowledge as some of your older and more experienced peers in the entrepreneurial field. This book is one of the best books for business students searching for ways to educate themselves financially without feeling like they are reading a textbook.
We’d highly recommend that you take note when reading this book, as it is incredibly beneficial to your overall financial wellbeing and education.
9. Click Millionaires by Scott Fox

The internet is one of the most essential parts of who we are today, and many modern businesses are thriving because of it. In this book by Scott Fox, you’ll learn all about combining outsourcing with online marketing.
We loved reading this book and think you should, too, because as an entrepreneur, you need to learn how to grow and develop an online business by using the tools already at your disposal. The best part about this book is that it teaches you how to use all the software that you’ve been using since you were a child.
10. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

By this point in our list, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed about the number of books recommended, and you’re probably wondering which one is the right book for you. Fortunately or unfortunately, all of those books are right for you in different ways!
Micheal E. Gerber’s book is another one of those books that we think you need to read. When you start your own business, the chances are that every person who comes in contact with you feels the need to give you unsolicited advice about running your business. At some point, you’ll realize that you’ve been given so much information and advice that you feel overwhelmed, and you feel like some of the information contradicts itself. In that case, you need to read this book because Gerber breaks down the various parts of running a business and working as a successful entrepreneur.
11. Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder

Our next pick is the perfect book for entrepreneurs who are sick of reading books filled with chunky paragraphs and not much else. Osterwalder takes the traditional entrepreneurial book and fills it with illustrations, graphs, and other visual aids. If you’ve been trying or wanting to come up with a well-structured business model and business plan, then you’ve got to read this book. It is designed for people who want to get out there and do something with their careers as entrepreneurs!
12. Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston

There are hundreds of movies, documentaries, and interviews explaining how millionaires everywhere made a name for themselves after building their careers from the ground up. They often started their businesses from scratch and grew them into the empires they are today. We know all of these stories, but we never really get to hear about the blood, sweat, and tears that went into growing their businesses and what their journeys to success looked like.
Livingston takes you on a journey in this book as she talks to some of the entrepreneurial industry’s biggest names. If you’ve wanted to get an inside glimpse into some of the biggest names in entrepreneurship, read this book.
13. The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau

If you’ve been struggling as an entrepreneur, it could be because you’ve been following other people’s paths instead of your own. The good news is that you’ve decided to make a name for yourself by carving out a path that works best for you. However, you might be having trouble sticking to that path and going away from what many consider to be “normal.” In that case, we’d recommend reading Guillebeau’s book. It’s part self-help and part motivational, thus equipping you with the necessary tools to be a successful entrepreneur working on things that make you the happiest.
14. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

We live in a culture where people everywhere are starting businesses and rechanging the idea of what it means to work as an entrepreneur. Ries explores the ideas of what it means to work in a company that you’ve created individually. He also shares several methods that every entrepreneur will find helpful when trying to build a successful business and keep it running for several years.
15. The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin D. Johnson

This book focuses less on the whole idea of building a successful business empire, but rather, it focuses on improving your mindset and changing your mindset so that you can achieve success in great numbers. In this book, Johnson focuses on using various strategies and methods to adapt your thinking patterns to grow your business and ensure it lasts for a long time.
16. Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk

This book is perfect for when you need a pick-me-up or a gentle shove in the right direction! We love this book because it doesn’t preach but instead motivates you to go ahead and crush it so that you can achieve your goals and work towards your dreams to achieve success. It’s one of the best books on international business and working on, and towards a goal, you’re passionate about.
17. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

A four-hour workweek sounds like the ideal life, no matter how much you love your job! In this book, Ferriss takes you through the different ways to achieve working hard but for a shorter amount of time. Instead of exhausting yourself trying to keep your business afloat, we’d recommend that you read this book so that you can achieve success without sacrificing your personal life in the process.
18. The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

This book gives you an honest look into the world of what it takes to run a successful business that you started on your own. It’s hard to run your own company, and Horowitz gives you an inside look into that process and what it takes to build a successful business from the ground up. We’d recommend reading this book so that you’re aware of the difficulties that come with being an entrepreneur.
19. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman

This book is all about investing in yourself and thriving as an entrepreneur. If you’ve been struggling to succeed in such a competitive market and world, then you’ve got to get your hands on this book!
20. Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business by Paul Jarvis

The last book on our list is this brilliant piece of writing by Paul Jarvis. It’s all about keeping your business small and staying that way. In a world obsessed with growth, this book shows you how you can keep your business small but successful throughout.
We took you through a list of 20 of the best entrepreneur books of all time in this article! We hope that our recommendations help you.