What Type Of Office Design Your Startup Should Have

The friendly folks over at www.findmyworkspace.com help you decide what kind of office setup is right for you!

You have taken the first steps on your entrepreneurial venture and now, it’s time to answer the very crucial question: Where will you work?


You may be tempted to go all out and start building the office of your dreams- vending machines, ping pong and football tables, treadmill and stationary bikes and all the works. Or you might want to save your funds for a rainy day and just focus on the bare essentials: a desk, a computer and internet connection, a telephone and a chair. Perhaps you are also considering a home office- converting your garage or spare room into your very own working space.

There are several important factors to consider when deciding on your office setup:


Many startup businesses fail to take off not for lack of creative ideas, but lack of financial resources. Your office space can eat a huge chunk of your available funds.


When planning your budget, hope for the best and plan for the worst. This means making sure that you have enough funds to keep your organization afloat even if you do not make profit for one year.

If you plan to rent or lease an office space rental or lease, study carefully if you can afford it  as many contracts require that you commit to a minimum of 6 months.

For those who want to save on startup costs, some money-saving options include: a home office, remote working arrangements or a virtual office, and coworking spaces.

Coworking involves a shared working environment, whether it’s a common desk, or an office. Coworking, also called membership-based work spaces, brings together people from diverse fields, backgrounds and organizations in one physical place.

Recently, the coworking trend has been on the rise among startup businesses as it can give you the best of both worlds: cost savings and an attractive working environment which already includes the use of office equipment.


Is this a solo venture or do you have a team? Will your team be working with you physically or remotely?


How much working space do you need to function comfortably? You might be able to fit in a small cubicle with ‘enough’ space for your desk, laptop and elbows, but will it foster your productivity and creativity?

What kind of environment works best for you? Do you need plants and a colorful surrounding?

Do you have bulky equipment and inventory? Will you be building a physical showroom? Will business partners be visiting you? Is the location accessible for them and for you?

These are important questions to answer when deciding on your working space. Keep in mind that your office is not just an area that physically fits you and your team, but you will spend long stretches of time formulating your plans and thinking up of innovations there. Do not underestimate the importance of comfort and a vibe that gets your creative juices flowing.

Choosing or creating a space that suits your needs does not have to be expensive. Be resourceful and you might find the office of your dreams that is within your budget.


Ever since pictures of Google’s enviable and crazy office designs started popping all over the internet, companies worldwide have reevaluated their own office setups. Google is the perfect example of how your physical office should reflect your company’s unique brand. Of course, they also have the deep pockets to back them up.

In the recent years, there has been a shift from traditional, minimalist, formal office designs to more quirky and customized arrangements that reflect the company’s brand identity.


As you start building your working space, consider the image that you want to emanate from your walls. Your design should portray your brand’s personality.

For startups with limited budget, a vibrant splash of your organization’s colors on your walls, desks, floors and ceilings can be your first step in positioning yourself apart from your competitors.



While your brand image is your public face, your culture is more personal within your team.

What are your organization’s core values? Refer to your list and check if your prospective office design reflects them.

If you want to encourage openness, you might want to ditch those cubicle walls. Do you want an easy exchange of ideas? Maybe incorporate a common area where people can easily get together in a relaxed setting.

A culture that makes team members feel loved, taken care of and appreciated can do wonders for your company’s productivity. Focus on providing a safe and clean working environment. Ergonomic desks and chairs are worthwhile investments, as well.

If you feel lost on where to start in building your workspace, do not hesitate to consult with experts who can match your budget, needs, brand image and culture with the optimal office setup.

Research, ask and utilize your resources and you might be on your way to finding that perfect office.

Author Bio:

photo-gemma-reevesGemma Reeves is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is engaged in assisting other aspiring entrepreneurs in finding the best office space for their business.


Check out her company here: FindMyWorkspace

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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