Increase Your Income with Technology

technology skillsDo you keep up with technology today? It’s definitely a fast-paced industry and there are always new gadgets coming out every single day. The real question is, “How important is it to keep up with technology today?” The simple answer? Incredibly important.


My Friends the Simpletons

I have some friends (they’re a couple) that like to live the simple life. It’s quiet, serene, and tranquil. They absolutely love it. They live a life without television and their cell phones are probably 8 years old. Instead of keeping up with the latest smart phones, they are content with their flip phones that can make phone calls, and can kind-of sort-of text, but very slowly.

I don’t blame them for wanting to keep things as simple as possible. To be honest, it’s kind of nice visiting them because it’s always so peaceful. But, each time I step away from their property I think about how much they are limiting themselves from their true potential in life.


What Technology Can Do For You

Some technology is simply a waste of time. Just because you have a smartphone does not mean that you’re a productive person. In fact, if you aren’t disciplined, you’ll most likely be less productive, what with the Angry Birds and Gravity Guy apps out there. Your goal should be to harness technology and use it for your benefit in your own business or in the corporate world.

If you understand systems and are handy with computers, you are an important asset to your company, and you’ll want to make sure that they know it. I have another close friend that is Mr. Techie. He knows how to navigate various systems in his company and is considered an expert in Excel. When his coworkers have a question about technology, they call my friend over and he helps them out. He is not only very capable at his own job, but he aids many others in doing theirs as well! This makes him the company’s number one asset.


Increase Your Technology Skills

If you would like to move up the corporate ladder or simply get noticed at work, you should definitely sharpen up your skills in technology. To do this, you could get training from places like Technologia. Once trained, you could utilize your new skills at the workplace and prove that you’re an asset to your company. If you get good enough at the technology piece, you could even be up for a promotion! That’s how important technology is today.

If you are in a management position (or if you soon find yourself in a management position because of the excellent job you’re doing), you could also benefit from online project management courses. Rather than fumble around from project to project, wasting time and effort, you could take a course and truly learn how to manage your projects. If you are still using a notepad and pen to track all of your projects and appointment, I would strongly advise that you look into taking a course and brushing up on your technology skills at the same time.

What other technology skills do you think are important?

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.


  1. I agree with you totally. Technology also improves productivity as well. From my own personal experience, you’d gain a certain foothold in your company if you know how to develop simple systems like a MS Access database which is extremely useful and increase efficiency.


  1. […] @ Entrepreneurship Life writes Increase Your Income with Technology – Do you keep up with technology today? It’s definitely a fast-paced industry and there are […]

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