4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Develop a Mobile App

In 2009, worldwide mobile app downloads totalled approximately 2.52 billion. However, 2017 is set to see this figure soar to a predicted 268.69 billion downloads. Customers and businesses alike now want 24/7 access to each other and mobile apps act as a platform for this.

Customers want to have the freedom to access and edit their account details, track any orders, receive perks, or engage with the company. With worldwide mobile commerce estimate to reach £180 billion by 2018, can you afford not to arm your company with a mobile app?

Increased Visibility

Research has revealed that the average person spends 90 minutes on their mobile phone per day, which equates to a staggering 23 days per year! Although this is somewhat concerning in the grand scheme of things, businesses can utilise the time people are spending on their smartphones by developing an app. Even though most people tend to flit between WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail whilst on their phones, they will always cast an eye over most apps whilst finding the one they are after.

The human mind subconsciously records every image we come across, so businesses with well-designed app icons are likely to stay in the minds of users. Furthermore, being ever present in an individual’s app menu will result in clicks. E-commerce and fitness apps are the most browsed apps outside of social media and communications tools.

Brand Credibility

If you don’t have a mobile app, can you even consider yourself a legitimate business? Just like brands who do not have social media platforms, some customers and clients can be put-off if they cannot access information via their phone or tablet. Hopping on a desktop or getting your laptop out to engage with a business in some form is now considered archaic and a brand’s credibility can be dented if they do not have a well-designed app.

Boost Customer Engagement

Restaurant bookings app OpenTablebuilt its entire app around customer engagement. Calling a restaurant to make a reservation can be a chore, especially when service is so busy nobody answers. OpenTable allows you to browse restaurants and book a table in less than five clicks.

As consumers, we do all we can to avoid phoning companies. We want a way to reach businesses and mobile apps with instant chat, specific contact email addresses, or a help desk feature are much more attractive. It is imperative that there is an open line of communication and apps can make businesses much more approachable, resulting in a boosted engagement.

Customer Exclusivity

Mobile apps are a valuable customer portal that can be used to increase awareness and sales. Many fashion and beauty retailers offer customers a percentage off the first time they place an order through their app. Others regularly give out exclusive in-app deals, early access to sales, and money off days. Customers, feeling part of an exclusive secret inner sanctum, make the most of the perks on off. Subsequently, this results in a staggering increase in sales.

Regardless of the nature of your business, there are always different ways to create exclusive deals and offers for those who utilise your mobile app.

About Carson Derrow

My name is Carson Derrow I'm an entrepreneur, professional blogger, and marketer from Arkansas. I've been writing for startups and small businesses since 2012. I share the latest business news, tools, resources, and marketing tips to help startups and small businesses to grow their business.

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